Thursday, September 26, 2013

Talking Heads.

I was flipping through the channels the other night and just happened upon The Bill Maher Show and caught about five minutes. That was enough, believe me. One of his talking heads he had on was trying to explain the virtues of ObamaCare and how it's framed to work. I'm paraphrasing here but in essence he said that the only way ObamaCare can work is if the young healthy people buy into a risk pool that subsidizes the unhealthy people. But then he stated something that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. He stated "We all must bear the cost, we're all in this together, we need to be responsible."

You gonna finish that? 
Can someone tell me how I'm responsible for some diabetic, hypertensive, asthmatic/COPD oxygen dependant smoker, alcoholic, 350lb couch potato that CHOOSES to have a diet of coffee brandy, Pepsi, junk food and 'medicinal' marijuana and refuses to heed the warnings from his or her doctor? On that note, why should some twenty something that is just starting out in the work force be responsible for my poor choices? The argument brought to my attention by a family member was that now people that couldn't get insurance can now get it. Some of these people don't deserve it! I can see the need to take care of the less fortunate that need our help. People, through no fault of their own, who have been born or stricken with illness or infirmity that they need help with. The problem with this talking head's argument is that the people that need the most don't believe they have any responsibility for their own situation. They will continue their unhealthy lifestyle with the full expectation that someone else will take care of them and in our current societal direction they're right!

Want me to tell you what comes next fatty? (*disclaimer: I'm fat so I can call them fat.) What comes next is the government no longer putting warning on things they deem bad for you, but outlawing them all together 'for the common good'. This utopian paradise all the liberals have dreamed up for you isn't utopia and sure ain't paradise. The only way for it to work for them is control. They have to completely control all the variables. We need to ask ourselves if that is truly the world we want to create for our children. A world where they are 'taken care of' from cradle to grave. That's their idea not mine. It's actually pretty friggin' scary, but most liberals just plug their ears and close their eyes and do the "NANANANNANA" noise that you'd normally see on the playground. These idiots never left the playground.

I don't take issue with taking care of people that truly need taking care of, but when you start handing out stuff people that don't need it sneak into the line. It's the natural thing to do for all creatures big and small. If you put out seed for the birds eventually you'll have squirrels, rabbits, crows, turkeys and other woodland creatures. If you start handing out free food to humans the needy show up first followed by the greedy and pretty soon it's become a free for all and even the people with pride get in on the action because it all of a sudden becomes the norm. That's their game, make it socially acceptable across the board. If it is socially acceptable by all then it's questioned by none. Don't get me going on political correct speech. That's another topic for another blog! They accuse us of ignorance but rely on ignorance to promote their agenda.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, why is it that the Left's champions started out and further their careers in comedy? Bill Maher, John Stewart, Joy Behar, Al Franken and the list goes on and on. I'll tell you why, my father told me that you could say anything to anyone and as long as you had a smile on your face you'd get away with it. These folks can hide behind comedy when they stick their foot in their mouth. "Just kidding people, nothing to see here, move along." Even when they're serious they can ride it out as comedy.

That's my two cent's spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.