Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Eisenhower's warning comes to bear.

In Dwight D. Eisenhower's January 17th, 1961 he warned about the possibility of political pressure and control that the military industrial complex would inevitably exert on our leaders. We are no longer a nation for the people, by the people. The left see the rise in the collective wealth as the root of the problem but the wealthy are making their money on legitimate business ventures, some of which may be as a result of government contracts. Their is a rising number of individuals and groups that thrive on war. We've heard about Cheney's connections to Haliburton, Joe Biden's son's connection to a group with a $100 million contract to rebuild parts of Iraq and the list could go on the deeper you dig.

Politicians go to Washington as wage earners (some of them) in their respective home state and become millionaires seemingly over night. Am I the only one that sees a problem here? Both sides pick their teams and herald the 'wins' of their champions, but who really wins in a nation divided? Eisenhower's words are more poignant now than ever before. We've given up our privacy for perceived safety. Our liberties are under attack to quell societal discourse. We now have a nation led by individuals and groups that seek to further their interests, both political and monetarily, by making rules and laws that benefit themselves.

We the people allow this to occur by 'picking our teams'. We are a nation divided not by ideals, but by ideological rhetoric. Many of the people who say they oppose my views have very similar thoughts about how things should be after brief discussion. We the people for the most part aspire to espouse our national values yet subscribe to the bullshit slung by our selected media champions. We the people have set aside our voice in favor of celebrities and polarized individuals very loud proclamations of right and wrong. I'm not sure if I will ever point this out to anyone that really truly cares. In my lifetime I believe I will see the slow demise of this once great nation. We the people are sheep. When the wolves want something, they take it and we let them.

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.