The fiscal cliff. A political move that may stunt our economic growth for years. Is this really a political stalemate, as this administration would have us believe, or is it really a calculated move to further an agenda?
I usually try only to stick to facts and leave the conjecture to the liberals. This current manufactured crisis for our country's fiscal future is bringing out the conspiracy theorist in me. In order for a good conspiracy to work, it needs a just a couple of points. A good question and a viable answer.
First question:
Q: Who stands to benefit from going over the cliff?
A: The Democrats, Liberals and Progressives.
Now, we have to look at the question. What could anyone possibly benefit from such a huge wallop to our economic base? It's been no secret that Democrats, Liberals and Progressives don't fully believe in capitalism and it's practices. Going over the 'fiscal cliff' will help tank the economy thus devaluing the dollar and prompting someone (the Democrats) to try and affect change. When the majority of the people are suffering they will gladly except, what is perceived as, help. The problem with their kind of help,as the old adage goes, is if something sounds to good then it's probably too good.
It is also no secret that all politicians abhor our form of currency that is not easily tracked. This very point was made when the government outlawed large bills. There is no bill in use over $100. The reasoning they used was that large bills were being used for illegal purposes. The real fact was that they were unable to track large transactions and tax them. Devaluing the dollar to a point where it would take a handful of paper money to buy a gallon of milk would push us into a new form of currency. This new currency would, in my opinion, be electronic in nature enabling the government to track and tax EVERY CENT. The power of the government would double. The GDP of the United States stands at $15.09 Trillion. The government believes that at least that much business is done 'under the table', ie: money that can't or isn't tracked by Uncle Sam. Of course, all of our problems would be fixed if they had pockets that deep. Our current tax receipts for 2012 stands at $2.9 Trillion with a budget of $3.8 Trillion. If every dollar was tracked and taxed, this revenue number would balloon to $5.8 Trillion. This would effectively fix our problems and pay down our debt. The problem with that is, if you give those bastards in Washington D.C. more money...they're just going to spend more.
Sorry..that was a long paragraph!!
Could you imagine forced fiscal equality? Work hard and increase your own monetary base, only to be told by the government that YOU can afford to give more of YOUR hard earned money to someone that 'needs' it. What will be the incentive to achieve? If everyone makes the same...why would anyone work hard to excel? Are we condoning a culture of mediocrity?
All good questions..anyone want to wager an answer?
The Republicans and Conservatives wouldn't benefit from this because they would rather stick to the status quo. Smaller government, less taxes, liberties left alone and freedom.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.