Monday, May 6, 2013

The True Cost of The President

This blog has outlined some of the most egregious fiscal acts that has been done by the Obama administration. Government spending has gone on largely unchecked at an unprecedented rate. Our children's future sold for the present. The people that will pay for these acts have yet to be born. The Presidential budget puts the so-called 'rich' to shame. Now, I'm going to now outline the true cost of Obama in the White House.

In past post I've written about the Obama's exorbitant travels and the cost to the American people. Those travels, while grossly expensive, pales in comparison to the day to day costs of the President and his family. Now, being the President has it's perks, but the Obama's have elevated those perks to royalty status. Their spending spree has been largely unchecked and ignored by the media. No one questions the duly elected KING of America.

Some monetary facts about the cost of the President:
  • The annual budget for HOUSEHOLD expenses for the White House is $1.4 billion.
  • The annual HEALTHCARE cost for the President and his family is $7 million. 
  • The annual travel expenses for the Obama's has been roughly $350 million per year. 
  • The President's salary is $400,000 a year. 
Bloomberg just put out a study on the disparity between CEO salary to median worker salary. According to their survey the CEO of JCPenny is the current winner with a ratio of 1795:1 with the CEO's salary/benefits being $53.3 Million to $29,688 for median worker salary/benefits. Let's look at the disparity for that exists for the President. Currently the President makes, with benefits $1.7574 BILLION and median salary/benefits for a government worker stands at $74,714. What kind of disparity is that? How about 23522 to 1! Let me reiterate that point.

That is 23522 to 1. A government worker making median salary/benefits would have to work 23522 YEARS to equal 1 year of what Obama makes in salary/benefits A YEAR

Just to afford the President the comfortable lifestyle he has become accustomed to, we as a nation (all 300,000,000 of us, man, woman and children) need to pony up $5.86 per person, every year just to pay Obama. That's every citizen in America, and more than half aren't paying taxes.  How many of you think this is outrageous? These are numbers that they don't want us to know! These are the numbers that the media won't talk about. These are the public secrets that are out there for all to see, but the public are distracted by manufactured crisis.

You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Maybe this blog will find the right person that will take this to a national venue, maybe not. America is not lost, but Americans are. We need to find our way again.

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.