According to polls, Obama and Romney are pretty much split 50/50 on the American Woman Vote. This is perplexing because I always figured woman to be more calculating than men. A more informed vote if you will. Are they blind to the facts by Obama's shining charisma? Are they taking his word as fact and not checking the actual facts? It's not readily apparent on both questions.
Looking at some of the facts that may attribute to Obama's popularity with the female set employment could be one reason. Male unemployment percentage stands at 8% in September 2012, 7.5% for female. That .5% could be an indicator. Traditionally female careers in healthcare have not been affected as much as non-traditional careers such as manufacturing. This could lead to a false sense of security for the employed female voters. Every aspect of employment will eventually be affected by the terrible state of our economy. Healthcare will undoubtedly be affected, maybe in a good way though. I work in healthcare and have seen a marked increase in emergency room visits. Most of these visits are by people who have no insurance or are on Medicare/Medicaid. My co-pay is $200 to go to the unless I'm bleeding to'll wait til my Doctor can get me in. My access is being limited by the people abusing that access. But...more patients (even if they aren't paying) means more healthcare workers.
But, now that groceries are costing an average of 46% more than four years ago, how is Mom justifying another vote for the man who put us in this pickle? The stay at home woman voter is the demographic that should be better informed. They have time to listen to the news and form opinions from the noise. I'm not saying that they sit at home all day doing nothing...quite the opposite. Stay at home family adults live a very busy lifestyle. It's not easy running the day to day goings on of a family and Mom (or stay at home Dad) is very often the conductor of this orchestra. It eludes my thinking how these stay at home individuals can vote for a man that doesn't respect a budget enough to get one passed. Don't you Moms have to live by a budget? Do you routinely spend more than you and your family takes in?
I can only qualify this with opinion and not fact. I think that the media has these women lulled into a stupor that is impossible to shake. They've dismissed the facts as Right Wing rhetoric in spite of damning evidence. Most of the mainstream media outlets sound like a press group for the re-election of Barack Obama. The very people that are supposed to be respected impartial purveyors of information, have become shills for a corrupt government ideal. We get what we deserve. We are all rats and his ilk the Pied Piper.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.