November 6th is coming right up and this is the election that will define the nation for the future. Will we stand up and be counted for our constitutional ideals or vote en mass for entitlements and continued debt? If the latter, can our country survive the economic fallout?
In many conversations with both sides of the isle (ideology wise, I've found more and more people are identifying themselves as Independent) the topic of discussion is choice. More to the point, who we have to choose. Let's take a brief look at our choices.
We have on the Left: Barack Hussein Obama. 44th elected President of these United States. Community Organizer, Lawyer, Author and former U.S. Senator. Winner of a Nobel Peace Prize. Father of two and husband to Michelle.
On the Right: Willard Mitt Romney. Former Republican Governor of a predominantly Democratic Massachusetts. Management Consultant, Venture Capitalist and Private Equity investor. Father of five, Grandfather to sixteen and husband to Ann.
Pretty much evenly stacked if you take into account that the Nobel Prize, in my opinion, was merely a ceremonial appointment for little to no actual actions by Obama. In my opinion, it was the European Progressive Movement's attempt to cement in history Obama as the great peacemaker.
Now, the conversations I have usually center around the fact that we haven't got a lot of choice this election. Two to choose from. For myself it's an easy choice even if my choice is not the best. My choice isn't so much as what I want as to which direction I'd like to turn my country.
Some simple questions for everyone to ask themselves: Do we really want four more years of lackadaisical, one-sided rule under a hard left leaning administration? Can we afford four more years of deficit spending in the guise of social reform? How can we sit back and justify the pillaging of our children's future earnings to make our world stable for us, in the now? Do we really believe what they tell us? When did we stop questioning the motives of politicians?
I don't think that Mitt Romney is the best man for the job. But given the choices he's the ONLY man for the job we have to choose from. I think Mitt Romney has an eye to the future. He genuinely wants to leave a country in better shape for his children and more to the point his grandchildren. He has the money to pull up stakes and go where ever in the world he'd like to go, but he wants to stay here. He want's to keep America great, as great as we have ever been and stronger than any nation in the world. Although he is a moderate. This will have a bit of a chilling effect on the hard Right but I think we need a man that will unite the parties not widen the divide created by the current administration.
Barack Obama has shown his hand time and time again over the last four year and illustrated his political affiliations. He has the liberals believing that he's doing it all for them and has them blinded with trinkets and baubles (healthcare reform and food stamps) while he makes back room deals with billionaires in the 'green' arena. (Purely conjecture, however, he did appoint the people that made these deals) 26 billion to 'special interests' that did little to create jobs. It did create lots of debt that the American people will be paying for for generations. He can't run on his record because his record sucks.
I implore all my readers to get out and vote. Don't take my words as gospel, I'm just another man running my mouth. I try to back all my ramblings with fact but undoubtedly by conservative colors bleed through. Our choice this election is not an easy one for all of us. Many have been touched by economic strife and getting the help afforded by the Federal government outweighs our sensibilities and love of liberty. Many would gladly give up liberties that "don't affect me" to have an improvement in lifestyle. What I propose is that we should all drop the bullshit and live and let live. Your liberties are no less important than the ones I hold dear. My liberties that you could so easily dismiss could start the chain reaction that strips you of yours. Think before you act.
How about voting for a man who believes we the people can do it WITHOUT help from someone else? How about a government that gets out of the way and let's us make our own decisions for a change? How about a man that knows with hope a community can affect change not that change from the government can affect hope?
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.