Imagine if you will, a Liberal's utopian socialist society. One born out of consideration for you fellow human and respect for Mother Earth. Where one man owns nothing and everything at the same time. Where life is a communal struggle or a communal triumph. Health care for all. No wars because there's nothing to fight about. A collective of humans all contributing to a system for the greater good of the whole. A society where each person is afforded a comfortable, happy and fulfilling life.
Sound beautiful doesn't it? A veritable heaven on earth. Sad fact is, it's been tried over and over again and it will not work.
Now let's look at the nasty little variable that make it impossible: Human Nature.
Socialism is but a step towards communism. In order for socialism to be a viable direction for human existence it needs to be accepted by the whole. While this sounds like a possibility, human nature makes it an impossibility.There will always be someone that wants what someone else has. And there will ALWAYS be those who covet power.
The very system coveted by the Liberal Left is actually everything they stand against. In order for socialism to work it needs leadership that quashes any movement that could threaten it's existence. A government that prevents individual thought and censors art, literature and speech that would incite that individuality that would threaten the collective. A government that controls all scientific research and uses it's ideology to steer that research's direction. A government that while promoting a peaceful, loving, contributory socialistic structure secretly arrests, imprisons and tortures anyone that it perceives as a threat. A government that would build a war machine with compulsory servitude to further that machine under the guise of protecting the collective. A government that prevents individual profit from excellence but rewards itself and it's handlers with power and opulence.
Imagine a whole tribe of naked liberals protesting a something approved by the leaders of their utopia....hope they all like prison food. How about creating art that questions authority? That's a jailin'. Or researching something that they really don't want you poking around? Gulag baby. Think I'm full of shit? Look up all these things that Soviet Russia disapproved of for their 'idealistic or bourgeois' nature and then look where the people that championed those efforts ended up.
That's why I believe the Liberal Left have it all wrong. They have it in their head that a socialistic collective is a viable human direction. That all the problems of man can be fixed if we all contribute to a system that reallocates resources where they are best utilized. But who decides how much we contribute to that system? A human. Who decides how to reallocate those resources? A human. And who determines how those resources are best utilized? A human. A human that is susceptible to human nature.
The humans that are charged with leadership will affect their will on the system. They will make decisions not based on the collective's ideology, but upon their own. They will no doubt make decisions that promote the IDEA that the collective is truly the leader of the societal structure but it will be a ruse. This has been tried before and it does not work. We need only look at socialism in Germany (failed), communism in Russia (failed), China (currently adopting a capitalist agenda), North Korea (do I need to explain?) and Cuba (failing it's people) to see the product of a tyrannical government that tries to adhere to the 'peoples' agenda.
Arguments as to the viability of socialism and communism are bunk. History has shown us that human nature negates a collective. In a capitalist society the strong stay strong because of the benefits as such, the weak get stronger if presented with that same ability to benefit. If a society that promotes socialism takes from the strong to reallocate to the weak there will be no net benefit for the strong and no reason to promote strength in the weak because they benefit from weakness. Penalizing the strong by negating their accomplishments and reallocating their accolades to the weak will promote weakness. Why excel in life if your going to just have to share it with someone that doesn't contribute to your excellence?
I think we should let the socialists give it a whirl. Let's find a place in the world that we can put them all together to create this utopian paradise for themselves. Then we all can sit and watch it fail as all of the 'great' forms of socialism before it. Will this quell their need to promote their collective way of thinking? No, but it'll definitely give us some kick ass reality TV!
You want to truly comply with a liberal society? A live and let live social structure? Take a good look at the constitution ya unshaven hippies.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person. (My form of sharing with the collective!)