Thru the last five Presidents, this country has added more to the national debt than our gross domestic product is worth. Currently our debt stands at over $17 Trillion dollars. That's money that WE THE PEOPLE spent that WE THE PEOPLE will never pay back. It is our future citizens that are being put on the hook for our GREED. We the People have sat idly by and watched from the sidelines as the government has raped and pillaged our children's future and have done little about it. We the People have allowed our great nation to be steered by idealistic 'journalists' that pander to the party of their choice. We the people have been lulled into a trance by a need for instant gratification. We the people want it now, two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun with a venti, non-fat, sugar free, cinnamon mocha dolche latte with whip cream and a caramel drizzle. The problem with this we want it now attitude is that we don't factor in cost. The cost to our future citizens is enormous.
The recent stand off on the ACA (Obamacare) and the debt has brought the Tea Party groups under a microscope. I've heard it from many people, derogatory statements about the political action group. Even an editorial that covered the estimated cost of what the author deemed was the Tea Party's actions. (Article can be found
here) What people fail to understand is that neither party has OUR best interests at heart. The Tea Party folks want limited government, a reasonable tax system and a government that CHAMPIONS SELF RELIANCE. A forgotten skill that this country was founded upon. Why is wanting to stem the bleeding of future productivity a bad thing? Why do people seek to demonize the Tea Party with a burden that is of OUR making? It's because people are scared of change and the government is scared of the people.
The government uses schemes and surveillance to retain control over the masses. The current scheme is to print enough money to sustain America's current addiction to the status quo, but not too much that will tank the dollar. This is unsustainable. There will soon come a time when all the money they are printing will have to reset the value of our monetary system. Currently our government is printing $85 Billion a month and buying their own debt with it. That's like using a credit card to pay a credit card that you paid a credit card with just so you can have cash to pay for your day to day bills. The current surveillance is scary to say the least. The NSA with a funnel that captures all internet traffic, cell and land line calls, text messages and now possibly black box information from automobiles.
It's been awhile since my last post. I'm beginning to believe that it's a very small portion of We The People that care. It's a terrible burden to carry an understanding of what we once were and the direction we are going. Political debates with citizens who have little understanding of what liberty actually means but feel entitled to weigh in on subjects that they feel passionate about but do not have any idea how they work. We've been taken over by idiots and now the passionate feel that these idiots are their champions.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.