Starting out with the Obama teams use of a group of behavioral scientists and statisticians, I began a long journey through what I originally thought was going to be answers on how our election system has become 'fixable'. What I've deduced, in my own opinion, is that the system is more 'fixed' than I could have ever imagined. Through information garnered through something as simple as the census, tax returns, job reports even school testing scores, behavioral scientists can postulate data in ways that map how a sector of our populace will respond to certain stimuli. This goes well above what we've see from the focus groups of political pundits.
What I believe is happening is that they are using our ideals to prevent us from forming a cohesive message. Fracturing "We The People" into "We The People who support this" or "We The People that support that" but keeping those groups from coming together to complete a common goal.
I have never been much of a conspiracy theorist and this is basically one man's opinion, but what if? The area of behavioral science has expanded with the use of computer modeling. Information is but a mouse click away. The people in power, nay, the people who want to keep that power, have control of that mouse. I don't expect a gun totin' redneck to suddenly start hugging trees, but take a deeper look at what these attacks on our ideals are doing to us as a nation or for that matter the world. We are a people divided. Divided by the very ideals we hold dear that are consistently threatened by the people who want to remain in power. I don't believe these attacks on our liberties are driven by a need for change, but a continued need to keep the people in a hyper vigilant state. It allows them to hide in plain sight, to sway our vote, to prevent us from forming a cohesive attack against an unseen foe that is right under our collective noses but out of reach due to our fractured state.
Every day it plays out in Washington D.C. when they get in front of the cameras. They state for the record that they are strategically forming policy to 'better' our lives. To improve something or protect something. Republicans and Democrats alike professing to hold our ideals at heart. Democrats fighting for the less fortunate, Republicans fighting for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, or so they say. What I postulate is that they are both on the same team. They make back room deals to stay in power. They don't care about the other sides ideals nor do they care about their own. They are drunk on power. Why else would they spend millions to get that power? Why would they fight so hard to retain it?
What I'm about to say is a prediction of what is to come. We are lost. We are no longer at the precipice of disaster. We have gone over the edge and it's only time before reap what we've sown. Our government has made promises that it can not keep. Our economy will pay the price. The shell game that is our debt and unfunded liabilities will come to bear pretty soon. We only need to look to the past to see what happens when an economy falters. The past examples pale in comparison to what we will see when our economy has the inevitable reset when the burden of the last 20 years of promises finally breaks the system. The patches they've placed on the system do nothing to fix the overall problem. The left would have you believe that they just need to tax the rich more, the right...well I'm not sure what they are for anymore. Already there isn't enough productivity to pay what we've promised. They make cuts to Medicare and Social Security, both ENTITLEMENTS (ie: we've paid for these with money from our own pockets through work) because these are FUNDED. These are revenue streams for the bastards that are playing the shell game.
Who is poised to suffer? We the people. The poor who think they have it pretty good with all the government BENEFITS (ie: things they get that THEY DIDN'T PAY FOR) will suffer the most. They spigot will run dry and hit them the hardest. Next the middle class will be hammered. Think about it, the Federal Reserve has been printing money at a staggering rate. Nearly a Trillion dollars a year that they just add to the United States economy. Where did that money come from? From thin air that's where. It had no value when it was added to the economy but the economy did not reset the value of the dollar. What does that mean to us? I think we are about to find out. We are going to see a crash that'll make the last one look like a fender bender. Mark my words. If you don't have a skill or stuff to barter with, your toast. We think crime is bad now? Wait until bread is $12 a loaf, gas $15 gallon and other essentials sky rocket. This is not something I just made up, our own government has written contingency plans for just such a scenario. Do you think the people that currently sit in power will suffer? I think not. The government is going to profess they can fix it. They will step in and freeze prices on some things, but that will just make the companies that sell those things to stop offering them. Sorry lefties, I know some of you will say the government can fix it, but show me one thing they have fixed.
What can we do to prevent this? Nothing. The wheels are in motion, every action requires an equal and opposite reaction. We've had a run of perceived prosperity and now it's time to suffer. We can easily blame the politicians for this but we've become complacent. A nation of people that expect instant gratification. We reacted to their stimuli exactly how they modeled it. We traded our liberties for comfort. Now the only way we'll get it back is to trade that comfort for self reliance and I don't see that happening. We are a nation divided into fractured factions easily plied by the people in power.
Prepare for it people.
That's my two cents and it ain't worth a damn.