In the years before and during the American Revolution, it's estimated that less than 40% of the populace of the colonies were Revolutionaries, 20% Loyalists and the rest kept quite about their respective affiliation. This great nation we now call the United States was born on the backs of less than 40% of the population. Currently the estimated breakdown of political affiliation is about 35% Republican, 34% Democrat and 30% that could really give a shit. The levels are pretty much equal today and for some reason we're on a path to self destruction. How did 40% of a populace create a government that has stood the test of time only to be shaken to it's very core by a perceived even split of the populace now? Because it's all smoke and mirrors. Both sides are playing the same game. The fix is in.
So why is a country that is supposed to be the model of Democracy for the world being run like a company headed for bankruptcy? Why are we on the verge of trading our liberties for government controlled safety? Because of the two party system. Because people like me can't enter the political arena. Because I use a lot of profanity, because I can't follow a narrative put forth by the corrupt party that I'd be forced to choose, because I have skeletons in my closet that I know people will dig up that I don't care about but will be used hurt my family. We've elected a admitted stoner that professes that his dream job is to be an ESPN sports analyst, that shirks his responsibility daily and apologizes for everything that makes this country great, but stays on point. Allows the real power players to pull his string. Reads all of his lines off the teleprompter with a charisma that rivals Al Pacino. A willing puppet. Being outspoken has become a bad thing. Every word is choreographed carefully and he's one hell of an actor.
We've been taught that winning is joyous, that being on the winning team feels good. I agree, but politics shouldn't be treated like a team sport. It's this state of mind that we've allowed ourselves to pushed into that's killing our country. There is no team. These people on both sides of the isles in Washington go to work together every day. They eat together, they vote together, they call each other friends. WE MAKE THEM
We can't settle anymore. We can't just lie down like dogs and allow them to fundamentally change our country. That's right, I said OUR country. It was designed by our forefathers to be controlled, by force if necessary, to be a country by the people, for the people. I do not call for violence, but we need an abrupt change. If the time comes to take our country back I will stand shoulder to shoulder with my fellow brother and sister patriots. Armed and ready to protect my constitution from those who would do it harm. The very people sworn to protect it are enemies of my liberties and if called upon would stand in peaceful, armed protest.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.