Saturday, October 6, 2012

Why a progressive agenda isn't good for us

Posts like the previous one seem to be getting more the norm with Conservative Liberal exchanges. Even if one side is willing to budge the other is not. It's unfortunate that the political landscape has become so polarized, however it's illuminated a spotlight on the goings on in Washington. Federal control was never meant to be all encompassing for the states.

We are a nation of sovereign states under a sovereign nation. We are meant to be self governed down to a local level. That self governance is quickly being eroded. Progressives feel that one government is the best for all. One government cannot create legislation that works for everyone. Our forefathers knew that each state and it's demographics were unique and as such created a government that took local control into account. What is good for the people of southern California does not translate well for people in northern Maine.

I continually charge my detractors with impeaching my facts. Sometimes this happens, most of the time it does not. When it does I concede the fact and move on. If the facts support their view I change my view. It may not look the same as theirs because of my conservative slant but it changes none the less.

That's my two cent's spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.