Looking at it from a purely scientific stand point is near impossible because it's been proven that the science behind climate change has been tampered with. For years the data that was spoon fed to the media which in turn glamorized it for us, was hand picked to support their thesis. Wild swings of the environmental historical record were omitted from their carefully crafted timelines and graphs to create non existent trends. These 'climate scientists' have been exposed fabricating supporting data and still they push the agenda. (See the details here.)
They push 1 or 2 degree temperature changes over time, but no one (except this study) has done a credible study on the effect of pavement on global warming. Sitting here in my warm living room realizing that my baseboard heating elements, a relatively small surface area that is heating my entire house, is much like the pavement that runs around the world. Wouldn't this create a corresponding 1 or 2 degree fluctuation? Why hasn't a credible study been done about that? The only thing I could dredge up was studies on how the use of the natural resources effect climate change. This short-sighted, ideal driven type of inquiry leads me to believe these people are daft.
So, I like to think I'm a deep thinker. So I got to thinking, what if? What if our goings on as humans was creating a change in our environment. I don't buy into the greenhouse effect, after delving into the science I'm pretty sure if it wasn't FOR the greenhouse effect our species wouldn't even be here. It's a self perpetuating cycle. It's what heats and cools our world. All of the gases in the air come, in abundance, from natural sources, not only us. Believe it or not it's a pretty good balance. This is what they don't want you to know. Anyone been to Detroit lately? Do you realize that 50 years ago the smog in Detroit rivaled that of some industrial areas in China, now it's relatively clean living. The population has shrunk and manufacturing dried up. The Earth heals itself.
These are the lies they want us to hang on to. They powers that be rely on our fears to herd us in directions they see fit. Climate change is just another one of those fears they use to prey on us. Aside from population change, I've seen little to support the data they put forth.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.