Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Eisenhower's warning comes to bear.

In Dwight D. Eisenhower's January 17th, 1961 he warned about the possibility of political pressure and control that the military industrial complex would inevitably exert on our leaders. We are no longer a nation for the people, by the people. The left see the rise in the collective wealth as the root of the problem but the wealthy are making their money on legitimate business ventures, some of which may be as a result of government contracts. Their is a rising number of individuals and groups that thrive on war. We've heard about Cheney's connections to Haliburton, Joe Biden's son's connection to a group with a $100 million contract to rebuild parts of Iraq and the list could go on the deeper you dig.

Politicians go to Washington as wage earners (some of them) in their respective home state and become millionaires seemingly over night. Am I the only one that sees a problem here? Both sides pick their teams and herald the 'wins' of their champions, but who really wins in a nation divided? Eisenhower's words are more poignant now than ever before. We've given up our privacy for perceived safety. Our liberties are under attack to quell societal discourse. We now have a nation led by individuals and groups that seek to further their interests, both political and monetarily, by making rules and laws that benefit themselves.

We the people allow this to occur by 'picking our teams'. We are a nation divided not by ideals, but by ideological rhetoric. Many of the people who say they oppose my views have very similar thoughts about how things should be after brief discussion. We the people for the most part aspire to espouse our national values yet subscribe to the bullshit slung by our selected media champions. We the people have set aside our voice in favor of celebrities and polarized individuals very loud proclamations of right and wrong. I'm not sure if I will ever point this out to anyone that really truly cares. In my lifetime I believe I will see the slow demise of this once great nation. We the people are sheep. When the wolves want something, they take it and we let them.

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A collective slap. Reality sucks.

Thru the last five Presidents, this country has added more to the national debt than our gross domestic product is worth. Currently our debt stands at over $17 Trillion dollars. That's money that WE THE PEOPLE spent that WE THE PEOPLE will never pay back. It is our future citizens that are being put on the hook for our GREED. We the People have sat idly by and watched from the sidelines as the government has raped and pillaged our children's future and have done little about it. We the People have allowed our great nation to be steered by idealistic 'journalists' that pander to the party of their choice. We the people have been lulled into a trance by a need for instant gratification. We the people want it now, two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun with a venti, non-fat, sugar free, cinnamon mocha dolche latte with whip cream and a caramel drizzle. The problem with this we want it now attitude is that we don't factor in cost. The cost to our future citizens is enormous.

The recent stand off on the ACA (Obamacare) and the debt has brought the Tea Party groups under a microscope. I've heard it from many people, derogatory statements about the political action group. Even an editorial that covered the estimated cost of what the author deemed was the Tea Party's actions. (Article can be found here) What people fail to understand is that neither party has OUR best interests at heart. The Tea Party folks want limited government, a reasonable tax system and a government that CHAMPIONS SELF RELIANCE. A forgotten skill that this country was founded upon. Why is wanting to stem the bleeding of future productivity a bad thing? Why do people seek to demonize the Tea Party with a burden that is of OUR making? It's because people are scared of change and the government is scared of the people.

The government uses schemes and surveillance to retain control over the masses. The current scheme is to print enough money to sustain America's current addiction to the status quo, but not too much that will tank the dollar. This is unsustainable. There will soon come a time when all the money they are printing will have to reset the value of our monetary system. Currently our government is printing $85 Billion a month and buying their own debt with it. That's like using a credit card to pay a credit card that you paid a credit card with just so you can have cash to pay for your day to day bills. The current surveillance is scary to say the least. The NSA with a funnel that captures all internet traffic, cell and land line calls, text messages and now possibly black box information from automobiles.

It's been awhile since my last post. I'm beginning to believe that it's a very small portion of We The People that care. It's a terrible burden to carry an understanding of what we once were and the direction we are going. Political debates with citizens who have little understanding of what liberty actually means but feel entitled to weigh in on subjects that they feel passionate about but do not have any idea how they work. We've been taken over by idiots and now the passionate feel that these idiots are their champions.

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

More concerning than the shut down, is the restart.

The noise surrounding the government shut down has started to turn into a dull roar. Social media is blowing up over reported 'suffering' that is happening to the poor, veterans and government employees (who I might add have been promised pay post shut down). The reasons we've heard about the shut down varies from which side of the isle you hear it from, but two subjects seem to rise to the top, the ACA (ObamaCare) and the debt. In my opinion these two are inextricably linked because ObamaCare can have a HUGE effect on the debt.

Let's look at just how much ObamaCare will cost us. Currently there are about 49 million people on Medicare/Medicaid at a cost of about $1 Trillion per year. The expected (hopeful?) outcome for ObamaCare is to have the 44 Million Americans without insurance to be covered with some form of insurance. If you factor in businesses that are dropping insurance and dropping coverage on spouses and children that number will probably climb to about 50 Million (Obama's own estimate) people and another $1 Trillion per year. For fiscal year 2014 the projected budgetary deficit is expected to be $744 Billion. The expected budget for 2014 of $3.778 Trillion compared to an expected revenue of $3.034 Trillion. We're projected to have three quarters of a trillion dollars in debt BEFORE ObamaCare. Is it starting to become any clearer to anyone? If ObamaCare goes as the Democrats expect (but it's not looking good) it stands to add another $1 Trillion dollars on top of an already bloated deficit adding budget.

Now let's look at the current debt level of $16.7 Trillion and talk about paying all that back. That is currently what the government has BORROWED and has to pay back. Kinda like a car loan but really friggin' big. The problem with all that debt, is that we're not paying it down. So we're borrowing debt to pay debt. Anyone out there know anyone that paid credit card bills with credit cards and how did that work out for them? Currently about $500 Billion a year is just to 'service' the debt. That's a nice way of saying that we're paying the interest so that the banks keeping handing over the cash. We are not paying any of the principle just the interest. Two-thirds of the debt we incur this year will be used just to 'service' the debt. That's friggin' ridiculous on any level. To appease any liberals that read this: Do you realize the good that $500 Billion would do? To put that in perspective, thats more than SIX YEARS OF FOOD STAMP FUNDING AT CURRENT LEVELS. With absolutely nothing to show for it but more debt.

This doesn't even take into account our unfunded liabilities (potential or actual debts for which no current funding is available) of $126 to $150 Trillion depending on who you asked. These are programs and political promises made but not paid. There is currently $50 Trillion in currency in the WORLD. That's every dollar, franc, ruble, euro, yen, etc. Our government has made it a habit to promise the moon and kick the can down the road when it comes to the tab. When all this comes due WE ALL WILL SUFFER. Not just the poor, the veterans or government employees, all of us. We all shoulder a portion of the blame. The only thing that this administration has said that's true is how they feel about the debt. It doesn't matter to them.

So is the government shut down because of ObamaCare or the debt? YES. 

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

A cage of your own design is still a cage.

In recent days there has been a lot of banter on social media with both 'sides' weighing in with their thoughts on who is the root cause of this mess. I've said it before and I'll say it again...we own this mess. We The People have let these criminals posing as politicians run our country into the ground. Making policy based on pure emotion and idealism. This mess is headed for the crapper and it's dragging all 300 million of us right along with it.
With the government shut down in full swing, the two sides of the isle are busy lobbing blame and conjecture. Well, at least the law makers are, Obama is off playing golf. I figured I'd jump into the blame game myself. I think the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of...wait for it...WE THE PEOPLE. Yes, I said it. We The People have let this charade go on way too long. Politics have become a monstrosity that casts a shadow over the true nature of our republic and we are to blame. Of course it was at the direction of our elected officials that we've created a subset of society that feels that without the government handout they could not survive. So they vote with their stomachs, health and what ever else the government takes care of instead of their morals or convictions. We've built a nation of people that will vote in the person most likely to fill their cup to the brim. Greed has replaced need.

Recently I tried to explain the difference between reality and fantasy to some left leaning social media friends. I used an analogy that I'd like to share with you.

What if there was this zoo, with a really charitable zookeeper that didn't really care what it cost to make sure that the animals were very comfortable. His ideals were that any animals in his care were better off than those out in the wild, fending for themselves, sometimes starving, sometimes full bellied, but forever free, because his animals never had to want for anything. The only trade off to full bellies and a relaxed life was that they'd have to spend their days in a cage, albeit a comfy cage. Now, this zookeeper made the animals in his care pretty happy, feeding them what they needed and some of what they wanted, medicine to ward off disease and keeping them in relative comfort. Because the wonderful zookeeper spared no expense to take care of the animals, the money to run the zoo soon got pretty tight. The people that oversaw the day to day expenses realized that the zookeeper, though noble in his ideals, was bad for business and decided to let him go. In comes this real prick of a zookeeper. He gives the animals just enough to survive, medicine only when they absolutely need it and comfort when it was only imperative. The animals weren't very happy with this turn of events but there was really little they could do, for the money that the good zookeeper spent was far and above what the zoo could support. When the debts came due the animals, who shared in making the debt, would now suffer now that the zoo was broke.

Do I look happy?
This is exactly what is happening now in our country. All the left leaning people think that all the nice things that government is handing out are free. That there is no bad that could come from it. They gladly offer up freedoms that they don't hold dear to cement more free stuff. Beware of men bearing gifts. They will happily build a cage of their own design in order to keep the free stuff coming. It may feel like a comfortable life, but what happens when the money runs out? What happens to all these people that are getting comfortable and then a new zookeeper comes along? The current administration only has another 3 years left, then regardless we get a new zookeeper. If it's another one bearing gifts then we're in a world of shit. As I saw on a post recently an analogy concerning the debt ceiling, "If your house was filled to the ceiling with shit, would you raise the ceiling, or get rid of the shit?"

I'd rather starve in freedom than grow fat in servitude.

Liberals don't see the end. They have absolutely no forward thinking. They like to be called progressive thinkers, but what are they progressing to? Here's another analogy: If the IRS told you they were going to tax any money you made over $1 Million at 90% and you had the ability to stop working when you hit that point, would you work more at 10% your normal operating cost? I'd be willing to bet you wouldn't. I'd love to sit down with the liberal mouth pieces like Rachael Maddow, Bill Maher and Chris Matthews and have their accountants in the rooms and watch them squirm when I asked them if they've ever used deductions to lower their tax burden. Or if they've used any questionable tactics to reduce their tax burden. Everyone does it. Even the pukes that the left call their champions.

The government is the first to tell you that ignorance is no excuse of the law, but they pass laws without first letting us know what they entail relying on that ignorance to pull it off. Then they go on lying about said law to make us 'feel better' about it. The full effect of the Affordable Care Act with take years to materialize, but the here and now feels pretty bad. Insurance premiums skyrocketing, part-time employees being cut and held to a 29 hour maximum work week, companies putting off expansion and hiring to stay under the 50 worker minimum and other companies kicking spouses and children off their policies all together. Still, Obama goes on TV to extol the virtues of said law, he says there is no evidence these things are taking place. Well, I'm here to say I see it first hand. I don't need a bad President / mediocre golfer telling me that it ain't happening. The majority's willful and continued ignorance on this issue is the culprit. I didn't vote for the man. I saw through his shiny persona to the snake oil salesman inside. This administration is just making the cage a little more comfortable until another zookeeper comes along.

This problem was created by us through complacency and acceptance of shiny things and baubles and it's up to us to SUFFER through the fix. Not just for the current citizens of the United States, but all of the future. I'd rather starve in freedom than grow fat in servitude.

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Talking Heads.

I was flipping through the channels the other night and just happened upon The Bill Maher Show and caught about five minutes. That was enough, believe me. One of his talking heads he had on was trying to explain the virtues of ObamaCare and how it's framed to work. I'm paraphrasing here but in essence he said that the only way ObamaCare can work is if the young healthy people buy into a risk pool that subsidizes the unhealthy people. But then he stated something that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. He stated "We all must bear the cost, we're all in this together, we need to be responsible."

You gonna finish that? 
Can someone tell me how I'm responsible for some diabetic, hypertensive, asthmatic/COPD oxygen dependant smoker, alcoholic, 350lb couch potato that CHOOSES to have a diet of coffee brandy, Pepsi, junk food and 'medicinal' marijuana and refuses to heed the warnings from his or her doctor? On that note, why should some twenty something that is just starting out in the work force be responsible for my poor choices? The argument brought to my attention by a family member was that now people that couldn't get insurance can now get it. Some of these people don't deserve it! I can see the need to take care of the less fortunate that need our help. People, through no fault of their own, who have been born or stricken with illness or infirmity that they need help with. The problem with this talking head's argument is that the people that need the most don't believe they have any responsibility for their own situation. They will continue their unhealthy lifestyle with the full expectation that someone else will take care of them and in our current societal direction they're right!

Want me to tell you what comes next fatty? (*disclaimer: I'm fat so I can call them fat.) What comes next is the government no longer putting warning on things they deem bad for you, but outlawing them all together 'for the common good'. This utopian paradise all the liberals have dreamed up for you isn't utopia and sure ain't paradise. The only way for it to work for them is control. They have to completely control all the variables. We need to ask ourselves if that is truly the world we want to create for our children. A world where they are 'taken care of' from cradle to grave. That's their idea not mine. It's actually pretty friggin' scary, but most liberals just plug their ears and close their eyes and do the "NANANANNANA" noise that you'd normally see on the playground. These idiots never left the playground.

I don't take issue with taking care of people that truly need taking care of, but when you start handing out stuff people that don't need it sneak into the line. It's the natural thing to do for all creatures big and small. If you put out seed for the birds eventually you'll have squirrels, rabbits, crows, turkeys and other woodland creatures. If you start handing out free food to humans the needy show up first followed by the greedy and pretty soon it's become a free for all and even the people with pride get in on the action because it all of a sudden becomes the norm. That's their game, make it socially acceptable across the board. If it is socially acceptable by all then it's questioned by none. Don't get me going on political correct speech. That's another topic for another blog! They accuse us of ignorance but rely on ignorance to promote their agenda.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, why is it that the Left's champions started out and further their careers in comedy? Bill Maher, John Stewart, Joy Behar, Al Franken and the list goes on and on. I'll tell you why, my father told me that you could say anything to anyone and as long as you had a smile on your face you'd get away with it. These folks can hide behind comedy when they stick their foot in their mouth. "Just kidding people, nothing to see here, move along." Even when they're serious they can ride it out as comedy.

That's my two cent's spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.

Monday, September 23, 2013

"We're not some Banana Republic"

"We're not some banana republic. This isn't some deadbeat nation," said Obama addressing Missouri auto workers. "We don't run out on our tab. Were the world's bedrock investment. The entire world looks to us to make sure the world economy is stable. We can't just not pay our bills. And even threatening something like that is the height of irresponsibility".

Who in the hell is he think is doing the threatening?? By all my accounts it looks like his lap-dog Harry Reid is the one that stands between government funding and default. Congress has passed a bill that funds ALL of government. The only thing left out is ObamaCare. Are you really that scared that your landmark legislation can't stand on it's own merits Mr. President? Is it because you watch the polls and realize that this huge pile of steaming manure you and your lackeys cobbled together could never stand on its own? I think that he'd answer a resounding yes to those questions (actually, I'm sure he'd have some convoluted explanation that neither confirms or denies). Even if Harry Reid let it come to a vote and it was pushed through to the President, who then would be the obstructionist? This is your mess Mr. President, you can't blame Bush for this one. Obama has created more partisanship in Washington than any other political faction in the recorded history of America.

By current count, Barack Hussein Obama, has made not one, not two, but NINETEEN CHANGES to the ACA, better known as ObamaCare. Changes that not only delay functional parts of the law, but also play favorites in his arena of support. I cry foul. If key parts of the bill aren't good enough for your buddies, then scrap the whole thing. If you don't want to touch it then put it up to a vote. Send it out to the people to vote on it. As Nancy Pelosi said, "We've got to pass it so you can see what's in it." Well, we've seen whats in it and we don't like it. Let me reiterate that point WE, AN AMERICAN MAJORITY DO NOT LIKE IT.

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Welfare reform and gun control

Received over $60k in welfare benefits per year. 

Current levels of Americans on some form of welfare are at the highest they have ever been. We workers who pay taxes that support these programs are ostracized if we call into question any fraud, waste or abuse. The people that champion these programs say it's a very insignificant group that engages in any fraud, waste or abuse so we should just suck it up. Any call for common sense reform is met with strong opposition. We say they should be drug tested, the opponents say it infringes on their rights. We say they should be checked up on and make sure they are using the program for it's intended purpose, the opponents say that would make the recipients lose self esteem. They tell us that these programs are designed to help the poor to survive not thrive. How many of you out there can tell the difference between a struggling WORKING mother of two and a lazy deadbeat crackwhore mother of two on welfare? Want me to help you with that? The struggling working mom has clothes that are a bit worn, a car that is way past it's prime and if she has a phone, it's a couple years old and definitely not smart. The crackwhore on welfare? Oh, she's the one with an Aeropostle hoodie, tank and matching pants, Ugg Boots, a real Coach bag, tattoos from asshole to appetite, piercings that you don't wanna know where they are, a car that is less than five years old and the very latest Iphone with a Swarovski crystal cover. She's also the one buying $50 worth of macaroni and cheese, sandwich meat and $250 worth of lobster/steak/booze/cigarettes. Anyone else see the problem here? It's sad that this has become the norm. Octomom in the picture above collected welfare while running around making appearances and porn grossing in excess of $200,000!

I've got an idea. Why are they all so up in arms about us checking up on these folks? They say it's intrusive if we propose simple reforms. These are the same people that rally around taking my guns from me. So, this is my proposal: I think the government should give me guns. Not a gun like a crack back 12 gauge shotgun, but a real gun. A M-16 fully automatic. Maybe a .308 tactical sniper rifle or a Barrett 50 cal!! I'd love to have one of those compact automatics the Seals carry! Don't forget a couple of nice side arms in 9mm, 40cal or 380. I propose the government gives us a new gun and a set amount of ammunition for that same gun every year. There wouldn't be a country in the world that'd have the balls to step foot in this nation with the intent of war. In return for the government's generosity I would subject myself to ROUTINE checks to make sure that the weapons in question are being taken care of. That I am keeping my marksman skills up to par. That, when in possession of said weapon, the government can ROUTINELY check me for drug and alcohol consumption. I mean, they are the ones supplying the gun, shouldn't I follow the rules?


I'm willing to put conditions on MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and welfare recipients have to be handled with kid gloves so we don't hurt their feelings.When the people that GIVE me my guns want to check to see if they're being taken care of and used properly I'd have absolutely no issues letting them check. Welfare people don't want oversight because they KNOW they aren't following the rules.

Look at what I'm proposing, a well-funded, well-trained militia that can, in effect, serve a purpose in our society! Not to mention that it'd cost a shit-ton less then welfare and if we make it a point to only provide USA sourced weaponry and ammo it'll CREATE JOBS!! Hey libs, you want gun control and we want welfare reform. I'm a pretty hard-core Libertarian and I'm prime for a compromise.

I look forward to any liberal backlash on this one..go ahead and try to dispute it.

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

"There is no there, there."

 "There is no there there." That is what Obama said about the revelations of deceit perpetrated against the American public. He stated, "Those emails were given to Congress months ago". Pretty much he said we had our chance and now it's too late. What is this, the friggin' playground? Are we playing politics by playground rules now? Too late, no tag back..neener neener. We are dealing with an administration that calculates every move and how those moves translate POLITICALLY. They have no convictions to adhere to because they only want to stay in power. Obama went on to say that the reason that this keeps coming up is political. That the Republicans are just trying to create fault where there is none. Well, all we want to know is if your administration had politics in mind with your response or rather, lack of response when FOUR AMERICANS WERE MURDERED BY A TERRORIST FACTION. We want to know if politics were first and foremost in your mind when your administration crafted a bullshit story on how it was because of a foolish YouTube Video.

Some high ranking officials involved in the Benghazi attack testified in Congress and described the incident and aftermath of it. The testimony directly contradicted the administration's assertion that the attack was driven by a tacky video posted on YouTube. The testimony given illustrated who knew what and when they knew it. The American people were lied to, numerous times and when questioned about it Hillary Clinton became angry and condescending to the Congressional Oversight Committee. When Representative Jason Chaffetz flew to Benghazi, high ranking officials testified that they were directed by State Department attorneys to NOT comply with information requests.Emails that have been reexamined show the level at which the State Department and the White House directed the editing that took place on the talking points.

There are really only two scenarios that fit here. Either the administration lied for political purposes or they lied to cover up the incompetent way the attack was handled. It really doesn't matter which one it is because the key word is LIED. They did not tell a little misdirecting fib to protect classified information. They lied and continued to lie weeks after the event. The State Department directed its employees to withhold information from Congressional oversight and still stonewall the investigators at every turn. The fox is guarding the hen house people..and the monkeys are running the zoo.

Of course all these lies went largely uncovered by the mainstream media. Their 'Golden Boy' had to go untouched until post election. The word being bandied about is 'cover-up'. Do I believe there was a cover up? YES. Even if it was just the people that wanted to see this man reelected selectively omitting information that may have proved detrimental to his reelection campaign. Selective omission is lying. Pure and simple. If they use selective omission for a purpose like protecting someone's political stature then they lose all credibility in covering that individual. The extent of the lies by omission that this administration has perpetrated on the American public is staggering. This administration will go down in history as the most dirty, dishonest and criminally negligent in all history of American Presidencies.

Keep a close eye on the shells folks, it's soon to be Hillary's chance up to bat. They are already trying to control the information that gets out. Story here. And that's from the Huffington Post of all places!

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What's the cost of Obama's 'recovery'

The economy continues to grow at an excruciatingly slow pace. I'm sure the Obama administration will call this a huge victory, but at what cost? How's $85,000,000,000 a month strike you? That's $85 Billion...or $284.33 cents per United States citizen per month in funny money. Why do I say funny money? Because the Federal Reserve is PRINTING MONEY AND ADDING IT TO THE ECONOMY!

's break it down...say you make $1000 a month, but in order to keep your shit afloat you need to have an extra $85 a month. Say you could actually pull money out of your ass. Actually shit currency. Legal tender straight from the turd cutter. Would your ability to create growth in your situation last or eventually would that golden egg from the fart pipe revert back to shit taking all your actual money with it? That is what is happening here folks. They are printing money and that takes away the value of current currency levels. When the funny money they are printing turns to shit it won't discriminate between funny money and current currency all of the money will be devalued.

The economic recovery is smoke and mirrors folks. If you think the little bump we had when Obama took office was terrible wait until the world calls in the markers for all this funny money coming from the Fed. It's going to get ugly if they continue to funnel all that VALUELESS money into the system. Here, don't take my word for it, Wiki Hyperinflation. Go ahead, click it, I'll wait here for ya. It's all a shell game. They are pulling the wool over your eyes and your letting them do it. That's over $1,000,000,000,000 a year of worthless money being added to the system. Yes, that's $1 TRILLION if your confused by all the zeros. If that number doesn't grab you, how about this, $3411 per year, per citizen of FUNNY MONEY. It's legal tender counterfeiting. Just think about that, this administration had pumped into the economy $17,055 per citizen over the last 5 years. How can they defend this? I'll tell you how, they don't have to. Americans are like hamsters, clean chips, water and food and they are oblivious to the people that say they'll take care of them.

There fact is that the government cannot be all things to all people. If we all worked for the government and inversely the government took care of all of our needs, then we wouldn't be able to fund it. Pretty soon this will all come to bear and the people that will suffer the most are the people that buy Obama's bullshit.

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.