Received over $60k in welfare benefits per year. |
I've got an idea. Why are they all so up in arms about us checking up on these folks? They say it's intrusive if we propose simple reforms. These are the same people that rally around taking my guns from me. So, this is my proposal: I think the government should give me guns. Not a gun like a crack back 12 gauge shotgun, but a real gun. A M-16 fully automatic. Maybe a .308 tactical sniper rifle or a Barrett 50 cal!! I'd love to have one of those compact automatics the Seals carry! Don't forget a couple of nice side arms in 9mm, 40cal or 380. I propose the government gives us a new gun and a set amount of ammunition for that same gun every year. There wouldn't be a country in the world that'd have the balls to step foot in this nation with the intent of war. In return for the government's generosity I would subject myself to ROUTINE checks to make sure that the weapons in question are being taken care of. That I am keeping my marksman skills up to par. That, when in possession of said weapon, the government can ROUTINELY check me for drug and alcohol consumption. I mean, they are the ones supplying the gun, shouldn't I follow the rules?
I'm willing to put conditions on MY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and welfare recipients have to be handled with kid gloves so we don't hurt their feelings.When the people that GIVE me my guns want to check to see if they're being taken care of and used properly I'd have absolutely no issues letting them check. Welfare people don't want oversight because they KNOW they aren't following the rules.
Look at what I'm proposing, a well-funded, well-trained militia that can, in effect, serve a purpose in our society! Not to mention that it'd cost a shit-ton less then welfare and if we make it a point to only provide USA sourced weaponry and ammo it'll CREATE JOBS!! Hey libs, you want gun control and we want welfare reform. I'm a pretty hard-core Libertarian and I'm prime for a compromise.
I look forward to any liberal backlash on this one..go ahead and try to dispute it.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.