Saturday, September 21, 2013

"There is no there, there."

 "There is no there there." That is what Obama said about the revelations of deceit perpetrated against the American public. He stated, "Those emails were given to Congress months ago". Pretty much he said we had our chance and now it's too late. What is this, the friggin' playground? Are we playing politics by playground rules now? Too late, no tag back..neener neener. We are dealing with an administration that calculates every move and how those moves translate POLITICALLY. They have no convictions to adhere to because they only want to stay in power. Obama went on to say that the reason that this keeps coming up is political. That the Republicans are just trying to create fault where there is none. Well, all we want to know is if your administration had politics in mind with your response or rather, lack of response when FOUR AMERICANS WERE MURDERED BY A TERRORIST FACTION. We want to know if politics were first and foremost in your mind when your administration crafted a bullshit story on how it was because of a foolish YouTube Video.

Some high ranking officials involved in the Benghazi attack testified in Congress and described the incident and aftermath of it. The testimony directly contradicted the administration's assertion that the attack was driven by a tacky video posted on YouTube. The testimony given illustrated who knew what and when they knew it. The American people were lied to, numerous times and when questioned about it Hillary Clinton became angry and condescending to the Congressional Oversight Committee. When Representative Jason Chaffetz flew to Benghazi, high ranking officials testified that they were directed by State Department attorneys to NOT comply with information requests.Emails that have been reexamined show the level at which the State Department and the White House directed the editing that took place on the talking points.

There are really only two scenarios that fit here. Either the administration lied for political purposes or they lied to cover up the incompetent way the attack was handled. It really doesn't matter which one it is because the key word is LIED. They did not tell a little misdirecting fib to protect classified information. They lied and continued to lie weeks after the event. The State Department directed its employees to withhold information from Congressional oversight and still stonewall the investigators at every turn. The fox is guarding the hen house people..and the monkeys are running the zoo.

Of course all these lies went largely uncovered by the mainstream media. Their 'Golden Boy' had to go untouched until post election. The word being bandied about is 'cover-up'. Do I believe there was a cover up? YES. Even if it was just the people that wanted to see this man reelected selectively omitting information that may have proved detrimental to his reelection campaign. Selective omission is lying. Pure and simple. If they use selective omission for a purpose like protecting someone's political stature then they lose all credibility in covering that individual. The extent of the lies by omission that this administration has perpetrated on the American public is staggering. This administration will go down in history as the most dirty, dishonest and criminally negligent in all history of American Presidencies.

Keep a close eye on the shells folks, it's soon to be Hillary's chance up to bat. They are already trying to control the information that gets out. Story here. And that's from the Huffington Post of all places!

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.