ObamaCare is a trainwreck and has been called that by both sides of the isle. Even his Royal Self Anointed Highness knows that if enacted as written the economic destruction would be epic. Insurance companies are already pulling out of state insurance exchanges because they know it's going to bankrupt them. Employers are cutting hours to keep employees below the 30 hour threshold so they do not have to provide insurance. How many people out there can survive on 30 hours and absolutely NO chance of overtime? Insurance rates are poised to go up 50 to 150% in some states. People who now have insurance and can currently afford it may have to opt out and pay the fine. I currently pay about $600 a month in health insurance costs. Under the scale used by ObamaCare my penalty would be about $1000 for the year. I don't go to the doctor often, maybe I'll take my chances. I'd pocket $5200 and I bet I could find a better use for it! The problem is that it's people like me and my family that pay for the people that use more services then they pay in premiums. When people like me stop paying the insurance provider will have to boost premiums to keep up with costs. Wait until this trainwreck really happens, epic is an understatement. November is coming up, open enrollment for my health insurance and I most definitely will be choosing the absolute minimum I can get. Here comes the fundamental change for me, more change in my pocket!
All of the 'phony scandals' that keep smouldering in the back ground threatening flare up from time to time is nothing for us to be worried about either right? Yeah, if you all believe them no wonder we're in the state we're in. Benghazi needs to go away because it is threatening Hillary Clinton's 2016 bid for POTUS. Americans lost their lives to try and get through a foreign conflict in relative silence. It didn't work, but that ain't stopping them from trying to sweep it under the rug. How many of you realize that as those valiant men and women fought for their lives in Benghazi, Obama WENT TO BED. Hope you slept good you useless prick. Currently the IRS debacle continues to 'give a second look' to all applications that include terms like 'Tea Party' or 'Patriot'. I thought this was all over? Lois Lerner, head of the division that spearheaded this, is still collecting a salary 10 WEEKS after this came to light! The phone tapping of the national press corps has petered out. This administration has 'shat where it eats' and still the press reveres and shields it from controversy. The only saving grace is that the press is losing its relavancy as the premiere place to obtain information. They are no longer the only avenue for influence. They still have a great deal of influence that 'steers' the nation, but are losing ground to people who preach common sense in venues such as this blog. Fast and Furious isn't going to go away quietly either. The truth will eventually come to light. The only difference between a politician and a criminal is that a criminal can be prosecuted for his crimes. That needs to change. The politicians love to preach about accountability when it comes to the private sector...tit for tat you buncha crooks.
"Mr President, How do we know when your lying?" | ||||||
Barry,"See these? If these are moving, then I'm lying | " | |||||
Obama supporters defend his abhorrent policy blunders with a fanatical fervor one usually equates with professional sports. People get so wound up they become physically threatening at times. I've had discussions with his supporters that refuse to hear any facts that are contrary to his. They refuse to believe he can do any wrong. He lies in plain view, in direct deference to the facts and still people exalt him. This is no longer an us versus them, it has risen to cult status.
How can we change our current course? We currently have a elected hierarchy that created a system to retain power through complex marketing and broad based voter information sciences. The politicians are no longer concerned with the day to day dealings of us Americans. They are drunk with power and have created a system that enables them to keep that power. Anyone wonder why certain causes like Trayvon Martin are championed and others like the shooting of Christopher Cervini go unnoticed? They use these tragedies to gently (or not so gently) steer the weak minded into being sympathetic to their cause. They do no want you to think independently. If you were to think independently it would add a variable to their scientifically proven model to effect elections, change and control a broad portion of the populace. Think I'm crazy? Go ahead and Google Obama's Liberal Think Tanks. With Obama's horrendous record in his first term many people wondered how he got reelected. With science, that's how. Obama's handlers didn't give a crap how Joe Schmoe from Idaho voted, they concentrated on the population centers. Take a good look at the election map...a lot more red then blue ain't it? Ain't science cool? If you travel or live in any of the blue areas, please comment on the condition of the roads, bridges, schools and budgetary health of these! I'm betting they are all in deplorable condition, but keep voting for that HOPE AND CHANGE won't ya!
Fundamental change is definitely coming and it's either going to cement our place as a destination for those who want to create a life for themselves by their own hand, or it'll be a place we're people come to catch just enough scraps to survive from the ruling class. The choice really is ours if we stop eating what they feed us. In the words of Dwight D. Eisenhower "Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage." I'd like to believe that every American would aspire for this, but there is a faction out there that is against these ideals and I believe they currently reside in Washington DC. On both sides of the isle.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.