I'm here to tell you, your both wrong. Over the last few years, my views about Freedom and Liberty has caused rise to much name calling with me taking the brunt. I've been called divisive, idiot, ignorant, argumentative, racist, a 'troll' and even un-American. Lucky I got thick skin! These people that have called me these names are all about 'change' but they are closed minded to all but their own brand of change and they don't care about the cost to attain that change. I think we should have an open dialog of fact based changes. Respectfully talk about differences and agree to disagree. But first and foremost, WE MUST LISTEN TO EACH OTHER. That's the true measure of respect, listen to another person's views no matter how screwed up it sounds. And those people should not get high and mighty when holes are poked in their version of reality with facts that support a view that differs from their own. Trust me, I've listened to some real brain surgeons and there is no swaying their views, even if you could prove 100% your side.
People are putting more and more expectation on what the government should be and what they should provide. Please allow me to explain what I expect from the government. The government should take care of roads and bridges. Our movement about our great country should not be impeded. No tolls, the government has tax receipts that far outweigh these costs. The government should provide MINIMAL protection. Police should show up when they are called and have the tools to do their job safely. That goes for Fire and Rescue as well. We should have a strong military and that military should not be fighting someone else's war. We need not be supporting the United Nations or any other nations for that matter. Why are 'We The People' subject to taxes that are spent to support another country? Screw 'em, if they want our cash they have to work for it just like we do. That's it in a nutshell.
I'm sure someone will no doubt try to explain to me that it's not that simple but isn't that the point? Shouldn't we have a government that EVERYONE that calls this country home can understand? Not just the politicians and lawyers?
What government shouldn't be doing. They shouldn't be taking care of anyone. They need to get out of the retirement, disability and medical coverage business. Let private business take over. Yes there would be some suffering at first, but look at the suffering they've caused so far. No longer do families take care of their old, they just pawn them off to a nursing home that charges the government (ie: We The People) upwards of $100,000 a year to take care of them. Yes, you read that right $100,000 and it can actually be higher in some states. It's taking more per year to take care of them in their 'golden years' than any of them made as a productive working citizen. I'm sure I'll get called a name out of that assertion. I don't think that the government should be involved in any business that an outside contractor (ie: private business) can perform. Like building roads and bridges, plowing roads, mowing the grass on the sides of the highway or delivering mail. Look at it this way, if the government does a shitty job we have no avenue to fix it immediately. We have to vote out the retards that decided to support the job in order to improve the issue. Wading through tons of RED TAPE. If it was a privateer think about it...you don't do the job, bye bye. Your road doesn't get plowed? Contracts can be written to penalize that company monetarily. Ever see what it takes to get rid of a government employee? Look here.
Which brings me to another thing, education. If private institutions are so bad as they'd have us believe, then why do a majority of politicians place their children in private schools? Why is it that the majority of the upper echelon of our society have private schools in their background? Because if they don't perform up to standards set forth by the consumer, they get fired. If your kid ain't getting to proper attention at public school, well go ahead and complain. Nothing will happen. I'll have to qualify this with a caveat, I quit school at 16yrs old and some years later I found out that I was still placed on the enrollment roster year after year for three more years. I'm guessing that these numbers no doubt cost the government something considering that they pay a per student amount towards funding.
Which again leads me to another thing, money. The politicians are probably the worst people in the United States who should be handling money. These people are not our best and brightest. They are a collection of crooks and scoundrels who have been placed by financial backers that know they will be lucrative for them. They are a financial investment by the rich and powerful. We need to let the bean counters take over. Real accountants whose very mental stability depends on a balanced audit. People who count every penny of OUR money as if it was their own. That's who should be minding the store people. Not a clown that flies around the world playing golf and visiting Africa ON OUR DIME.
So, when you decide to put your views on Facebook, don't get pissy when I bring up an opposing FACT. If you think your side is the right side, then back it up with both sides of the issue. If your view is a valid one then it should stand on it's merits. You can call me all the names you want, I'll take 'em because that shows me that I struck a nerve. That even YOU have doubts about your position. Give me your expectations and I'll whip you up a healthy serving of reality.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.