Who gives two shits about the fiscal cliff? I say let her go! What we are going to get is instead of these politicians turning the car around, they are going to just turn it and ride along the edge of the cliff until someone grows some balls and grabs the friggin' wheel! LET GRAB THE WHEEL PEOPLE, WE HAVE FORGOTTEN THAT IT IS OUR FRIGGIN' CAR!
So, let's all get off our collective lazy asses and get the word out. This idea has the potential to shake up our government and return it to the hands of the people in DAYS. To fundamentally change the way Washington works in the first few hours it would be enacted. We need to do this. They won't work on their own, we need to make them do it. They are a bunch of children that won't mind.
My idea is simple. It only would take up one or two pages in an actual bill and have positive ramifications across the board. It would strip the power from the people in Washington and return it to the people. This is actually an idea that anyone, Black, White, Hispanic, Liberal, Conservative or Independent could get behind. Everyone could support this...except the politicians. They will ALL fight against this with a fervor never seen before in any political issue.
Here it is:
- Tie congressional compensation (pay) to the median income level of that congressman's home district.
- Tie senatorial compensation (pay) to the median income level of that senator's home district.
- Take control of the office budget from the offices of elected officials and create a board of CITIZENS from that elected officials home district that oversee that budget.
- Realign the benefits packages that congressmen and senators receive to be on par with the benefits of normal government workers.
Now let's look at these points. The first two would instantly see some savings. There are 435 Congressmen and 100 Senators getting a salary of $174,000 plus benefits. More for the leaders of the two. That's $93,090,000. Just in income! If we were to tie that to congressional/senatorial district median income that across America hovers right around $50,000 then that number shrinks to $26,750,000! Not only does it get their income inline with the people they represent, it lights a fire under their asses to help spur economic growth in his or her district!! Talk about motivation! The fiscal savings of $66,340,000 is a drop in the well compared to the money spent by the government a year..but the political implications would be GIGANTIC! The way I see it this is something we as Americans can collectively agree on across the board. These bastards make too friggin' much money for way too little work!
Next point. A Congressman/Senator's budget includes staff expenses which average $1,014,443.11 across the board which adds up to $542,727,063.85 a year. Over half a billion dollars a year. For a group of individuals that can't play nice together. Bunch of friggin' children. We The People (parents) need to take their (children) toys away. Some of these budgets range from $1.5 Million up to $5 million. We should make them ask for everything. Right down to a friggin' box of staples. Even though this is a very minor fraction of the national budget..worry about the pennies and the dollars come off. I'm a gear-head and a racers mantra is worry about ounces and pounds come off..a leaner car is a faster car. I'd bet a leaner government would be a more efficient one.
I've been to Washington D.C. several times and these people have lost their minds! After only 5 or 6 days in that city you get sucked up in it and completely forget where you came from. If these elected officials had to ask the people that elected them to authorize a $100 steak meal or a bottle of liquor...they'd think twice. It's that thought that will draw them back to where they came from. Every successful business has a bean counter. I say we become the bean counter for the people that work for US. An elected board of individuals right here at home..at home across the USA..making decisions that will drive those in Washington to act. Imagine Joe Public struggling to feed his kids being asked to OK an expenditure for a $100 steak...yeah..that's not going to happen.
Finally, the benefits. Do any of us really think that a Congressman/Senator is really worth being FULLY VESTED in their retirement at 5 years? At the age of 62 a Congressman/Senator that was elected to 3 terms would take home about $84,000 a year for life. Plus healthcare. Is there anyone out there in the private sector that has this kind of golden parachute regardless of performance? More like a lead balloon. We need to reign in this bullshit. They talk about an election as if it gives us power. We have none! There is no repercussions from us the people...they merely need to feed us bullshit for 3 terms then they are set for life. Our elected officials go into office broke and come out millionaires...I wonder why?
We are letting this happen. The monkeys are truly running the zoo and we need to wrest control from the poop throwing animals. It's not going to be easy...imagine trying to take away this monetary power from the very people we entrust to be stewards of it. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Now, back to the title.."Fiscal Cuts..A Love Story" It's become clear that politicians feed on controversy. I believe it's because it keeps us from looking at their direct fiscal house. They have lived high on the hog for a long time...and it's high time to put 'em on a diet!
Share this with your friends and family. We need to affect change and I believe this would hammer that message into Washington.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.