Tomorrow November 6th, 2012 will go down in history as the day the country continued down into regulatory purgatory or the day we voted for real change. Four years ago, President Obama ran on hope and change. Today, four years later there is little hope and the only change we've seen is higher gas prices, smaller paychecks, crushing debt and a healthcare bill we didn't ask for nor 56% of America approves of.
I really don't care who you vote for. I believe that people who actually know something about our country, specifically where we came from and where potentially it can go, will vote for the more conservative candidate. Why would I make this assertion? Because I believe that people don't trust the government. Who in their right mind would trust a big, bloated machine that eats money and regurgitates regulation? Not this blogger.
Tomorrow will highlight to our future citizens that we chose to work hard, suffer a little and make a better tomorrow for them. Or it will cement into history our greed and laziness, that we collectively decided to finance our today at the cost of their future. We will collectively vote to change the course of government, to return to a government that oversees the states and supports their decisions. Or we will decide to hand over sovereignty to that big, bloated, money eating machine. Our future is our legacy. We are the greatest nation on the planet and in one day of voting we could throw that away.
Why would our current administration allow the United Nations monitor the vote? Is this an administration that believes in individual rights and sovereignty of states? Why no budget in this administration's entire term of Presidency? Why does this administration shirk the law and not make public it's regulatory agenda, cutting out on the last two due dates? Why, after touting the most transparent administration in history, has this administration chosen to be the most opaque? Do you have a better choice than the status quo? If you research and answer these questions for your self, then the choice will be clear.
Please, whom ever you decide to vote for, vote informed. READ UP ON THE CANDIDATES. This is the most important election for our future.
My vote will go to Willard Mitt Romney. I don't think he is the best choice for but it's the only choice I'm given. If I choose to vote for Gary Johnson I believe it's a vote for no one. He hasn't the chance in hell to win and my vote is better given to a possible challenger to the status quo.
I would like to thank everyone that reads my blog. I will continue to post after the election and will hold either administration's feet to the fire for any decisions that threaten our future. The subject material may change a little, more posts about life and my interests, but I'll try to stay entertaining. Again, thank you.
That's my two cent's, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.