I apologize for my lack of posts after the election. I've been out of sorts and completely dumbfounded by the choices made by the country I've come to know, or at least thought I knew. The people of these United States have spoken loud and clear. They want more from their government. For me, more was a performance issue, for the majority it's things. They want more stuff and this is the administration that they believe will get them it.
For the past few days I've been watching the goings on around the world to see a pattern. Some patterns are becoming apparent quite quickly. The DOW JONES falls 500 point in the 2 days following the election. Mass lay-offs across all employment sectors. CEO's of companies talking strategies to deal with climbing costs of this administrations regulatory agenda and Obamacare that include cutting hours of staff and closing plants. Even his own cabinet members are jumping ship at an alarming rate. I believe we're going to see some toxic shit come from the next four years of Obama. It's quickly careening out of control. This country is poised to go over the fiscal cliff and I really believe that the majority could care less.
Why would I make such a bold assertion that the majority could care less? How can I speak for the people I believe voted blindly for continuation of the status quo when I didn't? Because I care. Because I've researched the facts and crunched the numbers. Because I can see what the 'entitlement attitude' is doing to our country and pillaging our children's future. Because I have personally been told by someone that voted for Obama that "why should I care, I'll be dead and gone when the debt needs to be payed back". Another exchange was "It's all about me, it should be about us, the rich are all me's and us's suffer". I charge that without the 'me me me' people the 'us us us' people are going to fall apart. All this 'free' stuff comes at a price that we all will pay.
People voted for the rock star. We have elevated our public servants to rock star levels. They have become power hungry monsters that serve only themselves and special interests. The left would charge that only the Republicans do this..but get on this computer and dig around. THEY ARE ALL ON THE TAKE. Every last politician has been corrupted by the system.
Chance favors the prepared soul. I will stay prepared and leave little to chance. Our country is on the precipice of a new age. One marked an entitled electorate that can't get enough. It's kind of poignant that the consumerism that most liberals abhor is the only thing that keeps them in power. They only need to keep them in the dark for a little while longer. Collapse our monetary system, seize control of our financial systems and then dictate compensation across the board. The ultimate system of redistribution. WE WILL STILL FIGHT AGAINST IT. Bartering is already making a huge comeback.
I heard a woman on a radio program talking about a socialist country she left. She described socialism as everyone being equally miserable except for the politicians and criminals. This is a woman that came to America because everyone has an equal shot at greatness with hard work and perseverance. Now she is ashamed that the people that she wanted to become a part of are reverting to the system she fled. It's a pipe dream. History has shown us the way and we continue to repeat it. Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing something over and over and expecting a different outcome. What we have here is the majority of Americans are insane by definition.
I will continue to, as Obama put it "cling to my guns and bible" even tho I'm not in the least bit religious. I can't help but think that I've been part of the problem all along. My divisive rhetoric may have soured a few conservative folks. I've gone back over my posts and always felt I've been inclusive in my ideals. I try not to exclude any person and make a point to try and build common ground. I've come to realize there is no common ground for the selfish. The left would have us believe that a rich man that works super hard for his wealth is more selfish than a man that sits on his fat ass and expects to be taken care of. I'm going to continue to work hard and be proud of my success and be ashamed of the person that feels entitled to a piece of my success.
I'm still going to be critical of the government in my blogs, at least until they tell me to stop. I would have been no less critical of a Romney presidency. There is bad and good but modern political wrangling has blurred those lines. We're headed for a meltdown and it's going to be an interesting four years...
That's my two cent's. Don't spend them or put them in the dish for the next person...you may be needing them soon.