This blog post is purely circumstantial. I have never entertained rumor and conjecture. I am not, nor have never been a conspiracy theorist. While a good conspiracy is always a good source of entertainment and all too often rooted in fact, the connections made in it are usually tenuous at best. Looking at some of the current news it's tough to not make the connections in my own head. Using heavy connection to fact and sprinkling it with conjecture this is what it looks like...

After watching and reading all the grumbling about the current 'ammo grab' by the Department of Homeland Security, I decided to look a little deeper into the numbers to see just how this would supply and affect the department. Current estimates of ammo procurement by the DHS hovers north of 2 billion rounds. Estimates of rounds used per year by the department was around 15 million rounds per year. This current order by the DHS would supply them from about 150 years. Wait, WHAT? That can't be right, can it? Current estimation of ammo usage by United States soldiers in the war in Afghanistan stand at 1.8 billion rounds. That's split amongst 90,000 troops. So, rudimentary math puts that at 60,000 rounds per soldier. The DHS has 200,000 employees and before you criticize me, not all of them are field agents. I couldn't find any solid numbers, but let's just estimate that 75% of them are gun totin' federal agents. That gives us a number of 150,000 armed agents. That means those 2 billion rounds are divided up to a bit over 13,000 rounds per agent. Does anyone out there use that many rounds per year recreationally? Competition shooters maybe... Now, I can see the soldiers popping off 60,000 rounds a year..gotta keep up your skills when others are shooting back. But I don't recall the DHS agents in the news all that often for taking fire. I'm not going to knock down anyone that puts themselves in harms way for a paycheck, but the DHS is a relatively new governmental agency. And to be perfectly honest with you, barring some of the poor bastards working for Immigration and Customs Enforcement on the borders, I don't think any of them have much direct 'shoot out' potential details.
They have never had to stock up on this much ammo before, so it's causing quite a tizzy among the conspiracy theorist crowd. I don't think that it's unreasonable to stock up on ammo myself, but I also don't keep over 13,000 rounds on hand either!

Oh, and the MRAP's that they purportedly bought? Hooey. They only have 16 available to them, the Marines have the rest. Not to say that they don't have access to them tho...
I've even looked into certain connections myself that has me thinking. The slated FAA tower closings create a bit of a hole when it comes to tracking, by the general public, aircraft comings and goings. I have a friend in the business that told me that the government has the ability to cover the areas that we cannot, but what if they were selective like 'Fast and Furious'? I've even entertained the thought of a "Red Dawn" scenario. How difficult would it be for a foreign invader to put boots on the ground? Pretty friggin' difficult without some sort of collusion on the part of our own government. Could that happen? We are talking about the current administration that told us that Benghazi was due to a friggin' YouTube video. Our government is doing things that we think only other governments do.
How about natural disaster? A comet, meteor or even close to home, a volcano. What if something like that was going to happen? It'd be foolish to think that only the highest up would be made privy to any details, but in this day and age of electronic media it'd be next to impossible to hide if from the general public. It's probable that they wouldn't tell anyone due to the panic that would ensue. What if the FAA closings aren't to get boots on the ground, but rather people into the country under the radar to keep them safe from a coming apocalypse? We've got a pretty good network of 'safe' places in the United States, so many in fact that some have been decommissioned. Some of the more impressive ones can be seen
One theory is that they are trying to deny people from buying ammo for themselves by taking all the spare production. Another theory is that there is something coming that will enact Marshall law and they need to prepare (I don't buy into that at all, they don't have that kind of loyalty in the ranks). The point is, there are many connections that can be made about all sorts of things. Maybe it's just all bullshit. Maybe they are just doing these things to keep you whack jobs preoccupied. Nothing to see here folks, move along. That's my extent of conspiracy thinking.
I'll stick to calling out the retards (no offense to the real retards, you know who you are) in Washington for pissing away our children's future. Trillions of dollars down the drain in the name of power. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing in our lives has been improved by the actions of the current administration. Nothing. Go ahead and prove me wrong I implore you. All costs across the board are up (except housing, unless you rent), we pay more for gas, food, electricity, healthcare (and that's rising like a rocket) and everything else that Obama said we'd be better off with. There is cause and effect. Everything is rising because Obama and his ilk want power. In order to retain that power they need to grease the wheels of the electorate. How's all those Obama phones and food stamps treating you? Better access to healthcare? LOL.
It's all about power, who has it and who wants it.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.