Well, I'll give some specifics and their INTENDED consequences:
- Create a 'FLAT TAX' that is constitutionally bound so that politicians cannot change it's purpose other than to raise or LOWER it proportional to budget constraints. Build in a buffer that cannot be touched for anything other than disaster or war. Any surplus at the end of the year automatically goes into this buffer account that, when reaches a certain level, goes back to the people in EQUAL amounts. Flat tax contribution to the federal government shall not be greater than the total budget of the contributing state. Any surplus from the contributing state shall be refunded to said state.
- Intended consequences:
- This will REMOVE the power of the "deal" from the politician. They will not be able to offer 'friends' favorable tax status, tax breaks or other tax perks to any entity, public, private or otherwise.
- This will force our elected officials to create and live by a budget.
- This will create explosive business growth. Imagine, knowing what your tax bill will be every year. A flat tax is fluid. Make a dollar, pay 10 cents, make 1 million, pay $100,000. How's that for fair? Everyone has skin in the game.
- The surplus thing is a little tricky, but right now we have states that receive far greater than they contribute. People can argue that it's need because these states are poor, but I argue that if you can't survive somewhere, move.
- Rock solid budgetary solution. Create a CONSTITUTIONAL amendment that requires the federal government to balance the budget. Budgets for the following year shall be passed by no later than July 1st the year before the budget is to be in effect. Include in this Constitutional amendment a provision that prevents government from 'borrowing' monies from entitlement programs. Also include a provision that prevents carrying any debt that cannot be paid off in 15 years. Also include a provision that REQUIRES spending on infrastructure (ie: bridges, roads etc.) to be funded prior to any 'special' projects. Any special projects needs to be vetted by the public for 120 days. No changes to said budget other then to fund disaster or war.
- Intended consequences:
- Also removes the power of the deal from the politician. They will be too busy actually doing the business of government that they won't have time to make sweet heart deals to friends of the government.
- Streamlines government. They will no doubt have to make do with less. Businesses do this, our government NEEDS to.
- Forbidding the elected officials to 'borrow' from entitlement programs will solidify their future. The reason that Social Security is broke is because the bastard in Washington have taken all the money and applied it elsewhere.
- It prevents our elected officials from "kicking the can" down the road. No more borrowing money from citizens who don't even exist yet. Who do you suppose is going to pay this $16+ trillion debt that we now carry?
- This will put the brakes on frivolous pork barrel spending. No more research on the mating of snails, monkeys on crack or bullshit bridges to nowhere. The 120 day requirement prevents those sneaky politicians from slipping a "monkey crack" amendment into a bill.
- Create a system that prevents any FOREIGN aid to be applied prior to public approval. No money to other countries without a vote from the people. Also, no foreign aid can be made available until all current unserviceable debts are paid.
- Intended consequences:
- This too removes the power of the deal from the politician (see a pattern in all of this yet?). No more special treatment for politicians in other countries.
- This will prevent the government from sending money, ARMS or aid to enemies of the United States.
- This will put the power in the people's hands where it should be.
- It requires the debt to be paid off.
- All bills proposed by government shall be completed in their entirety with all included amendments and available to the general public online for 120 days prior to a vote. This excludes emergency allocation for disaster or war. Any money spend on disaster or war will be carefully allocated and ALL receipts of said money will immediately be made available for public scrutiny. No more 'Presidential Administration' discretionary spending.
- Intended consequences:
- This will prevent (again) the power of the deal for the politician. No back room bullshit if anyone can see the progress. No more slipping an amendment into a bill at the last moment.
- No more blowing money on crap, or paying Billionaires millions of dollars on top of their insurance claims for disaster.
- No more crazy deals during war like Haliburton, or Joe Biden's son.
- No more trips to Paris for the President's wife and all her friends, no more golf outtings with Tiger Woods and to appease the left, no more hunting trips for Cheney or fishing trips for Dubya on the federal tit. They want to take a trip, it's outta their own pocket.
- Create a welfare system that requires active improvement in self-reliance. Create a system that rewards (pays retail) for food stuffs given to local food programs in all states. Reward people for using local food providers. Create a list of acceptable foods that can be purchases by food stamps (WIC does it why not food stamps?). All federal receipts of monies spent towards welfare be made available to the general public for scrutiny.
- Intended consequences:
- This will prevent the power of the deal for the politician. No more going to Washington to beg for scraps for the politician's home state.
- It will create a system that not only helps the hungry but in turn partially subsidizes food growers and creators by supporting local utilization of local foods.
- It will cut back on fraud and abuse, people won't be able to buy crap food with federal money.
- This will have the affect of people knowing and understanding where their tax dollars are going.
- It will create a system of 'hand ups' not hand outs.
- Create real election reform. Allow reporters to be in ALL political gatherings with the only exclusion being executive sessions. All executive sessions must include a representative from ALL recognized political parties. No public business will be done in private. This is already a rule on the local level, it should be on a national level.
- Intended consequences:
- Actually this one is easy. Now that we've removed all the power of the deal from the politician, it will have the net effect of removing special interest dollars from politics. Done deal. Let's see those pricks in Washington get any money from anyone now. I bet this will COMPLETELY change the political landscape!
- No more back room deals. WE ARE WATCHING THEM!
- Any political posturing from the politician or an agent acting for the politician that can be construed as a threat automatically calls for an investigation of that politician's actions and if allegations are found to be true, impeaches them and excludes that politician from holding any office in the future. This is to include all political figures, elected or appointed. They are to be judged by a panel selected AT RANDOM of citizens. ALL politicians and their agents are subject to all laws and rules made by the government, past, present and future in perpetuity.
- Intended consequences:
- It removes any and all perceived power from the politicians.
- It makes the politicians subject to their own laws and rules.
- It keeps politicians accountable for actions by their agents and themselves. No more posturing by these people.
- It creates a not easily corruptible system of accountability by involving citizens who have nothing to gain from the process.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.