In response to a prior post on this blog a person sent me an email as a weak rebuttal to my views. His or her attempt at debate was immediately discredited due to the profane attack of juvenile name calling. If this person is representative of a sample of American society then our current administration is the least of our worries. The email and my response to it can be seen on my prior post "This way to socialism!" in the comments section.
This person tried to qualify a move towards socialism by stating we've always had it present in America. His statement " anyone who knows anything about this country knows it has always had
aspects of "Socialism". or, what... were there corporations way back
when to help the "tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free"?" fails to take into account that there was no direct assistance afforded to Americans until the early 1900's.
Most original federal assistance programs required mandatory self reliance of some kind. The 'food stamp' program was actually a supplement to actual consumer spending. A person was to buy orange stamps for a dollar and for every dollar spend they would receive 50 cents in blue stamps. Not until 1977 was the purchase requirement dropped. Social Security was initiated in 1935 and dependent on monies paid into the system to get money back out. Federal medical assistance programs weren't in place until the 1960's. Even the great work welfare projects championed by Roosevelt were really a job and a paycheck, not a hand out. Roosevelt felt that man needed a purpose.
Prior to all this, our great country's citizens had to rely upon themselves and each other and guess what? People did fine. They relied on themselves and the KINDNESS of others to help them through the darkest days. Our past citizens knew how to scrimp and save, put things away for the bad times and suffer a little bit to rise above the struggle.
Look at what we've done with all that American strength and perseverance, we've created a pseudo 'Robin Hood' system that takes from the 'rich' and gives to the 'poor'. A system of compulsory momentary reallocation through a government that is rife with mismanagement. A system that punishes excellence with taxes, regulation and penalties. The KINDNESS of Americans has been replaced by mandatory payments to a system that doesn't differentiate between who really needs it and who doesn't. Instead of making small cuts to welfare programs (I refuse to call them entitlements) the government instead chooses to make cuts to programs that, when cut, result in layoffs putting more people on unemployment (that's an entitlement, we pay in for that benefit). Absolutely no self reliance has created an entire generation of couch potatoes hanging off the federal tit.
Now, I have no idea what they are teaching this generation in school about federal programs, but I'm betting it's something that paints it in a wonderful light. Inclusion for all, no picking on the poor kid that's wearing the $100 Nike sneakers, $50 Aero jeans, $30 A&F tee, $25 DG hat, $15 Calvin Klein underwear (cause it's hip to wear your pant's half down), carrying a $600 Iphone, drinking a $5 Trenti Starbucks Caramel Machiatto while his mother pays for 20 bottles of rootbeer with foodstamps (SNAP card). Am I the only one that notices this shit??
Enough of the feel good bullshit. When people suffer a little it prompts them to reassess their situation. We've replaced that reassessment with more and more assistance. It's time to suffer. WE ALL NEED TO SUFFER. We trust a government that mortgages our future to pay for the present. We're relying on people that have yet to be born to pay for a system that they will feel no benefit from.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.