Monday, March 4, 2013

Sequestration Cuts, The Plot Thickens

Bo, The Obama's dog. His walker makes $100,000 a year.
Ah, the post many of you have been waiting for. My views on the 'Sequestration cuts'. Here we are on the Monday following the cuts...and much to the Democrats chagrin...the world didn't end. As matter of fact, they themselves are back peddling on many of their claims of fiscal brinkmanship. When posed with the question as to "who, exactly, will be receiving a cut in pay? Or a pink slip? Or a furlough?" Silence. Or a confused looking Jay Carney stammering in front of the national press corp. I finally got to hand it to the press corp though, they are finally asking some real questions of this administration, not just trying to figure out what Bo the dog ate that day and what color his shit was.
Does he look trustworthy to you?
It's kind of funny that not more than 48 hours after the Sequestration Cuts became reality that it was business as usually in Washington as, now Secretary of State, John Kerry announced that $250 Million would be sent to Egypt for humanitarian efforts. This being a first installment of a reported $1 Billion in allocated funds. And those rascally Democrats said they can't just cut How about starting with unnecessary foreign aid? Sending $250 Million to a country that's now controlled by religious extremists is probably not a great idea. How about sending them food? Or hell, I don't know, maybe send over some doctors to help out. Oh yeah..can't do that..those crazy bastards would probably kill them and drag their lifeless corpse through the streets as a protest of our awful 'Western' ways. Yeah...let's just hand over OUR hard earned money to a bunch of people that would like nothing more then to have our heads on a pike pole.

Our foreign aid package both humanitarian and military support will ring up to an astounding $70 Billion for the fiscal year of 2013. Want me to put that into a little better to understand terms for ya? That's going to be $23 for every CITIZEN of the United States. $23 out of every MAN,WOMAN AND CHILD'S pocket. And, I remind you that not all those people are taxpayers. Only 50% of the population pays federal taxes. So that's $46 out of every taxpayers pocket. Now, only about 2/3rds of the people that pay federal taxes have tax liability, the other 3rd gets what they paid in and in many cases more! So now we're up to $61.33! They take that money out of your pocket and give it to ANOTHER COUNTRY. $61.33 out of a working persons pocket that is trying to make it and has to scrimp and save every penny just to get his or her kids a pair of sneakers while juggling the day to day bills like heat, lights, gas to get back and forth to work and food. All of which have taken a large jump in the last 5 years.
Which part of the pie do you fall in? Notice there isn't politicians in the pie chart? (Chart from USDOL website)

I've characterized President Obama many times as an idiot. That characterization, while in many peoples views correct, I've found to be false. The man is a cold, calculating, devious, sociopath. He knows what to say, when to say it and with what inflection that the words need for proper affect. Listening to Joe Biden one day on the popped in my head that he sounded like a preacher. So I spend some time listening to other prominent speakers throughout time. The most influential speakers of history had the ability to play the crowd. Through the spoken word and an ability to build a crescendo with words and the tone. The ability to get into the majority of the people listening to the speaker denotes his or her effectiveness. Even people who do not agree with Obama's politics say he's a great speaker. Joe Biden, even though he gaffs constantly, has an affect to his speaking that lends credibility to his bullshit. "They're going to put y'all back in chains!" Sorry doesn't sound as good as when Joe says it.

Many people across America have had to adjust their budgets to account for the changes in the economy. All we want is our own government to feel the pinch too. Is that too much to ask?

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.