While I don't agree to Westboro Baptist's actions and their picketing soldiers funerals with crass slogans, it can in no way be compared to the subversive, terrorist activities pulled off by Islamic extremists. Signs that say "God Hates Gays so He Kills Soldiers" are disgusting, but a bomb that specifically designed to kill and maim by someone that hides after the act is an atrocity. When the morons from Westboro Baptist start bombing people, then maybe we can resume that line of thought, but I'm putting my money on the next horrific act being perpetrated by someone of the Muslim faith and not by a Christian.
Now, I'm getting heat from readers for the United States bringing all this hate and discontent on itself. I agree that we do have some things going on in the world that brings rise to blame, but you'd think they'd place the blame a little closer to the people that cause the strife. Hit the politicians you idiots! Leave the women and children out of it! Maybe if you focused your energies into the people that call the shots it would have more effect. Your just getting the hornets nest buzzing by hitting civilians.
Today there is an article that outlines a high ranking United Nations official and his feelings that we bring all this down on ourselves. Fine. Let's pull ALL OF OUR FUNDING FROM THE UN. Screw 'em, they don't need our money or military support. Wonder how long they would last without our support? Currently the United States contributes 27.14% of the U.N.'s $7.33 Billion budget. To put that into perspective, China, who's GDP rivals our own, only contributes 3.93%. The country closest to our own level of contribution is Japan with a 12.53%. We are spending close to $2 Billion for what? To have some hack like Falk say we are the ones that cause these idiots to take up arms and blow each other up?? Let's pull all of our troops from overseas too. We got our own borders to protect, let's start there. To hell with the rest of the world. If they don't want our help, they don't get it.
Freedom isn't free. Our forefathers fought a hard won battle against an oppressive regime. Odds were against us to succeed and the odds are even greater that we will continue on that path. We gotta stop being the worlds police. Let someone else pick up that torch for awhile...let it all go to shit and the bastards will come crawling back. Only then will we help, on our terms.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.