"Good questions" thinks to himself (now how can I spin it?) |
I'll have to qualify that as a no. I always back up my choices with fact, pure and simple. Sometimes the facts are difficult to find, but with perseverance and tenacity I'll find them. If the facts don't support my decisions then I change my position, I'm not unreasonable. The people that support this administration though...they are VERY unreasonable. When confronted with facts, they circle the wagons and start spewing bullshit that is designed to cloud the issues, blame someone else, twist the facts, dismiss the facts and confuse people. This is what the people who support this administration do to justify their choice. If I don't have the facts, I find them and return to the conversation. This administration tells outright LIES to stay in power and when supporters are confronted with the facts they immediately fall back on the bullshit line and cloud, blame, twist, dismiss and confuse. They trivialize some really horrifying things just to justify their ridiculous position.
Let's examine what the Office of the Presidency has become. In recent years it has really changed, but how so? My opinion is that the President is no longer the man in charge. I know conspiracy theory bullshit, but hear me out. Prior to the last three American Presidencies, electronic media was pretty much in it's infancy. Bill Clinton was a bit of a fool, but he could still talk in public without sticking his head up his own ass. George Bush, well..he stuck his head up there a few times, but still could speak to anyone and answer questions when confronted. The current all encompassing electronic media allows real time polling of the people and the ability to observe up to the minute trends enabling a team of individuals to craft a 'perceived' direction to take Obama. A large group of 'puppet masters' behind the scenes are telling him what to say, when to say it and they were lucky enough to get a man who can act. Actually, I retract that statement because luck had nothing to do with it. This man was and is currently a fabrication of others. His handlers, the media and all the blind supporters that eat his bullshit and crap it out for everyone around them are the people that perpetuate him.
- Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated.
- Lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular: "ignorant of his true role".
How can I come up with such a controversial statement? I use Obama's own statements against him. I believe that on the campaign trail his handlers, while writing the scripts, were unable to completely keep the yoke on him and he made some missteps. Missteps that are now explained away as our own misinterpretation of his verbiage. His own words should hang him out to dry, but the news (really?) media twists it all up to protect him. Want to prove me wrong? Sit the bastard down with Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck or Ann Coulter. I don't follow these individuals closely, but they question authority, something our forefathers built into our great system and is being eroded by the powerful. People that will actually ask him some real questions not some hack that pledges allegiance to their cause. You know why his handlers don't let him? Because they would rip him apart. He wouldn't be able to form a single coherent sentence. That's right, I'll say it, the leader of the free world, Barack Hussein Obama, is ignorant. He follows the direction of his handlers. He isn't our leader, he's the face that a group of people pulling the strings chose for us to identify with.
So, I'm calling you out Mr. President, you've got plenty of time for golf and other vacations...give one of these people an hour of your time. LIVE ON CAMERA FOR THE WHOLE WORLD TO SEE. And to increase the difficulty...no one else in the room. One on One. You wouldn't stand a chance. The whole world would see you for what you are, A FAKE. A fabrication of polls, trends and the people who write the script and pull your strings. Why don't you just go back to your basketball court, TV time watching the playoffs, making beer in the basement, playing golf or whatever else it is you find enjoyment in...and just let the cat out of the bag. Send the real people out to talk to us. I mean really...how does it really feel to be their clown?
We have all been given rights as laid out by our founders. Read the Bill Of Rights, it's not an outdated document as this administration would have you believe. Do any of you know why the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is so despised by these people? Because it isn't framed to control us, it's framed to control THEM. They are working diligently to amend, dismantle and replace our rights with ones better suited to their ideals of control. More power for the powerful. All you morons that talk about the 99%, well your blind allegiance is just strengthening the 1% who happen to be sitting pretty as heads of state. 9 of the top 12 riches politicians are Democrats and they are the ones that are plying you with this division...things that make you go hrmmm...
So, are you going to be a shill for the people who are spending money at an unprecedented rate, prying our liberties away, dividing our citizens and controlling the majority of the media? Will you blindly spew talking points handed out as rebuttal to real questions of political malfeasance? Will you be the one with the shirt on that says "I'm with Stupid"?
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.