Thursday, April 4, 2013

Take it back you hypocrite!

Ok, I had to beat out a quick blurb about Obama's self-less sacrifice of 5% of his salary as a show of 'solidarity' over the sequestration cuts. A show of solidarity??? Are you for real?? A paltry $20,000 out of a $16 Trillion debt? That's going to run YOUR government for a whole .17 seconds, read that right POINT 1 FRIGGIN 7! YOUR government spends $6.85 Million a MINUTE!! When are you Obama-tards going to wake up to his bullshit? (Side note, I don't usually resort to name calling, but if it looks like shit, smells like shit and feels like's more then likely shit.)

President Barack Obama plans to give back 5 per cent of his pay in a gesture of solidarity with government workers who must take unpaid leave as a result of deep spending cuts that went into effect last month.
"You see what I did there?" "Back in Chicago we call that the 'ol' switcheroo' "

I'll tell you this, if I could spend millions of my employers money flying all over the planet, playing golf with Tiger, body surfing in Hawaii, hob-nobbin with the elite....then I'd give back 100%! This shows just how ignorant of the facts that his supporters truly are!

$1.4 billion in vacation spending. The man makes $400,000 a year (and he ain't worth that) but spends over $350,000,000 a year in vacation spending!! That's $350 MILLION!! He would have to work 875 years just to afford 1 YEAR OF VACATIONING!! How many out there realize that this man is taking $1 out of every citizens pocket, every year...for his own recreation? Anyone? Anyone? Beuller? How can we as a nation hold our heads high when we get bamboozled to this extent? He preaches to his sheepish followers about the evil espoused by the rich and their jet set ways, WHILE HE ROBS US BLIND. This is our children's future people!

The liberals will turn there head and sell the future of this nation just for a few foodstamps. The impossible has become the improbable has become commonplace. In 50 short years this nation has gone from the 'Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave' to 'Land of the Taxed and Home of the Chickenshit'. If they would have adopted the value of having a smaller government, most of the things they want to accomplish would probably have been easier. They've handed so much power to the idiots in Washington, that it'll take a miracle to pry it back to the people.

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.