I've been watching the reactions of friends on Facebook to the verdict brought forth by judge AND jury in the Zimmerman trial. The people outraged by Zimmerman 'getting off scott free' far outnumber the people commenting on the law working the way it should. He was acquitted by a judge and jury. After all the evidence from both sides was presented he was found not guilty. In many other courts across this country this same scenario played out during the 500+ days that Zimmerman's name and Trayvon's picture was splattered all over news and social media, why didn't we hear about those? Why was Trayvon's death held up to a higher standard while we never hear about a 12 year old girl SAVES HERSELF with a gun? Because it flies directly into the face of the narrative. Because they aren't relevant to the dialog that this administration is steering us into. The administration are trying to foster an attitude that everyone should be unarmed, except them. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that the administration's ammo grab and the resulting rush of citizens to buy guns and ammo numbers will be used in the future to somehow skew the view of an armed citizenry.
In order to call into question our 'rights' as citizens, first they need to have a reason to start to talk about it. It was Rahm Emanuel that coined the phrase "never let a good crisis go to waste". In a nation of 300+ million people, this administration has the good fortune to cherry pick their crises. Over 11,000 young black men were murdered in the 500+ days that the nation was focused on the Zimmerman fiasco. Why then focus on only one? It didn't take long to answer that question. Eric Holder came out of his bubble to question the Florida 'Stand Your Ground' law. This was specifically targeted because it's state laws like these that undermine the progressives march towards an UNARMED America.
I've said in the past that I'm not a conspiracy theorist and still believe that I'm not. Politics is like a chess game. You have to think many moves ahead in order to gauge your opponents strategy and adjust accordingly. In order to out think your opponent, sometimes you have to toss in nonsensical moves to confuse them. The only problem here is that the majority of people in the United States are not chess players and are easily confused. Even the worst strategist in the world could map out what this administration is trying to pass off. There are voices out there that are trying to get the point across that they are trying to fundamentally change our rights, but not enough are listening.

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.