Let's talk about the economy that Obama would like us to focus on. He comes out and states to the nation that "Things are getting better" and "Unemployment is falling". I can easily sum that up in the words from a readers 16 year old grand daughter. She said, "Why does HE have to tell us that things are getting better in our country ... shouldn't we know it? ... shouldn't we feel it? because I don't think things are getting better..." When I read that it actually lifted my spirit. A 16 year old that understands that things don't improve just because the President is telling us it is. Parents, heed my words: Teach your children that everything comes with a price. NOTHING IS FREE. In order for them to eat, have a roof over their head and clothes on their back someone had to pay. Whether that comes from a service you provided to an employer, or money that you get from the government, someone somewhere paid. It either comes from a wage or a tax. Teach them that getting something for 'free' if they are able to get that themselves then they should pay it forward sometime. Karma is a fickle bitch, stay on her good side.
Obama spews out numbers, but he's cooked the books. The numbers he spoon feeds the masses are numbers that are generated by asking a certain question. When he says that unemployment is 7.6 he's looking at the number of people that APPLIED for unemployment insurance. What about the people that don't get an unemployment check that just stopped looking? Or the folks that suddenly found out they suffered from a disabling condition and applied for SSDI even though the worked with that same condition for years, but now can't find suitable work? Go ahead...look up those statistics. They are out there to see, just a little difficult to dig up. http://www.bls.gov/news.release/laus.nr0.htm is a good link to start. Notice that the states with the highest unemployment rate voted Democrat? How about the U-6 number? Doesn't look so friggin' rosy does it there Barry? Ain't been below 8 since G.W. was prez, bet that stings a bit!
Unemployment rate U-6 2000-2013 |
The state I call home has surpassed the employed vs people who rely on government balance. There are now more people on the state than work in my state. This is a key point in this state's history. Do we climb out of the mire and create an economic atmosphere in which our children can work and live? Or do we start the downward spiral that has claimed once great cities like Detroit, Michigan and San Bernardino, California? We have a governor that has been called an obstructionist, but what do you do when the scales have turned in the negative?
Sometime in the near future, there will come a time when the government is going to have to say no. When that time comes, all these people that have come to rely on the handouts will be the ones to suffer the most. We the productive people of the United States are getting to the breaking point of being taxed to death. Pretty soon even the people low on the pay scale but high enough to be taxed like they are well off are going to start acting like the rich and hiding their money. The amount of tax revenue will continue to slide into the abyss which will trigger some screwed up liberal scheme to grab more or kick the can down the road by borrowing. This kick the can mentality is exactly what did in the cities that have and will claim bankruptcy.
I'm headed to Washington DC for some sight seeing in a couple of days, if any of you useless pricks in the White House read this blog, how's about hitting ol' Barry up for a meet and greet? I'd love to sit down and tell him what I think of him and his band of merry idiots right to his face! Maybe even try some of that beer that he makes in the basement, but if it tastes like the shit he's feeding us it's probably no good. Don't worry about me being a security risk, I'm a big softy, 250lbs 5'6'' and a knee that acts up from time to time. The only thing dangerous about me is my words, because I know what your up to and I intend to keep on running my mouth til I draw my last breath.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.