All human emotion is brought about by a series of chemical and electrical responses to external stimuli. All of our fears and emotional short-comings are learned behavior. It stands to reason that by recognizing triggers to our emotional responses we can indeed understand them and move forward in a perpetual state of happiness even in our, perceived, darkest hours. Or we can wallow in our self pity by succumbing to our fears and letting the darkness take over. All of our perceived problems, are given priority in our own head. Have you ever seen a baby play with a snake or a spider? They do so with a curiosity and innocence that has yet to learn fear of these animals. We have taught ourselves to be afraid, we have taught ourselves to make decisions based on these fears, these fears are irrational chemical and electrical responses brought forth by learned behavior.
Geraldine, my mother, died at the age of 60 years old. After many years of cancer she was well aware of her impending demise. During the final few years of her life she tried to find her answer to the universal question of "What happens to me when I die". During this search I spent many hours with her reading religious texts, talking about paranormal theory and trying to help her find her way. On my mothers journey, I found my own way. After reading all sorts of religious literature my mother came to the conclusion that they all pretty much outline similar ideals. (Except the
Quran, to equate fellow humans with animals simply because of non belief is just wacko.) They all tell us to be good to one another and we'll be rewarded with happiness. My mother felt that there was no afterlife. That the real happiness was here and now. That being good to people, especially yourself, was the reward.
The daily struggle we all endure here on earth is self perpetuating. Each decision is another learned behavior. We make decision based on emotion. Emotion is the chemical and electrical response to external stimuli. That external stimuli causes a response that is a learned behavior. There is NO decision in the day to day struggle that should drive you crazy. Tomorrow will come regardless of the decision you make so why let it drag you down? The mantra I have accepted is: I am insignificant. I am one of 6 billion. My contribution is only important to me, if my contribution effects others I will try to be a positive one.
So, to sum it up, we can either lead ourselves to happiness by recognizing our emotional responses and making decisions based on logic rather than emotion, or we can let our learned response make the decisions through learned behavior and continue the downward spiral into the abyss we build ourselves. Our choice. I've been told it's not as easy as I say, but is anything worth it ever easy? I've found happiness and it's my choice.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.