Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The March To World War III

I'll begin today's blog by apologizing for my inactivity recently, especially given the material that is being offered by the government to expound upon. I've been getting some things done, my professional certifications required some compliance education that took up most of my extra thinking capacity. With that said, on to the blog!

Recently I've missed a bit of the side show that is our current administration so I've had to play catch up. This morning I had the pleasure of watching our Secretary of State, John Kerry, continue to try and make his case on military action against Syria. This on the heels of Kerry's 'off handed' comment "Sure, he could turn over every bit of his weapons to the international community within the next week, without delay, but he isn’t about to." Now, Russia has stepped up and has done just that. Vladimir Putin has brokered a deal with the Assad regime to remove Syria's chemical stockpile. This illustrates Obama's ineptitude in all matters foreign, which in this day and age means any matters that influence America.

But, wait...after listening to Kerry drone on and on, it is very clear that they still want to strike Syria! Russia is (or well was) our friend in the arena of world superpowers and now they are on a fine line that this idiot Obama and his ilk have created. There's another line you've drawn Barack and yes, it's your line not the worlds. As you continue this march into World War III Mr. President, you've found yourself very much alone haven't you? A very small margin of the people of the United States find that any action in Syria would be beneficial and still you continue your march? In recent polls 33% approve of a strike. I bet that number would change if the 33% actually followed international news. I bet if you polled these same 33% they couldn't find Syria on a friggin' map! Do we really want to alienate (or make enemy of) Russia and possibly China?

They have yet to prove the case as to who used the chemical weapons in the first place! It could have very well been the rebels themselves led by a veritable madman that can be shown cutting out and eating the heart of a fellow Syrian that supports Assad. The question that Obama asks is "Do we really want to let this go?" The question I have to all my fellow Americans is "DO WE REALLY WANT TO SUPPORT THIS ANIMAL??" Watch the video. I warn you, it's graphic.

What recourse do we the American people have any more? We can afford to wait until the next election cycle anymore. The world no longer moves at the speed of mail, it moves in seconds. An action at this very moment is being observed and logged, given a priority and an action plan drafted. We no longer elect people to oversee the daily business of the people, we elect people who feel the need to go off shore to impress. We have a lot of problems right here that need attention. We are not concerned with the civil war in a middle eastern country. We as a nation are guilty in using weapons of mass destruction, right here on our own soil, against our own people, in our own civil war. If Obama wants to get involved in this bullshit, then lets just park a bunch of assets around Syria, if he strikes us then and only then we strike back. Protect our allies in the region and let Syria burn itself out. 

In my past blogs I've outlined my disdain for this administration. The ideals that they've pushed upon me and my fellow Americans disgusted me. The ideals that I thought they vehemently adhered to has been a charade. It really is just about power. All of the ideals that Obama and his ilk rode to victory was smoke and mirrors. A tool to retain the power. And now all you idealistic idiots that bought his line of bullshit of  'peace, love and health for all' have to admit that he's just another power hungry politician out of touch with the entire United States, nay THE WORLD. I believe that Obama has committed several impeachable offenses, but this takes the cake. If he lashes out against Syria without the blessing of Congress, We The People of the United States need to step up and impeach not only Obama, but his entire administration.

We the People have had enough.

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.