Election coverage and preparation is in full swing. Of course if you've been watching any news program it's been ongoing for the last four years. This is the final stretch of what will prove to be one of the most important election cycles in our country's history. The election that defines or redefines us as a nation. Do we as a nation want to be a nation of producers or dependents?
The debates are coming pretty quick. The Obama camp is already conceding defeat before uttering a response to any formal question. Their reasoning is that "lucky to be able to devote three consecutive hours to debate preparation." (DNC spokesperson Woodhouse). Wait a minute...he's the President..can't he make his own time? He definitely prints his own money..oh..and makes time for over 100- 5+ hours of golf over the last 4 years, which allowing for an hour there and an hour back figures out to 700+hours or @ 40/week, 17.5 weeks, of just golf! Oh yeah can't forget that he blows off his security briefings on a regular basis, currently about two thirds of them..but he can make time to see the ladies on The View during the same time that he's supposed to be meeting with Israel's Netanyahu. Ok..maybe he doesn't print his own money..I took liberties with that one.
The point is, if he's unprepared it's no one's fault but his own. There is no teleprompter at the debates. He's on his own and he should be prepared, he's had four years to formulate answers to any political question. He's the President...he has access to ALL information. If he falls on his face...then the only person that should be charged with holding the man up is the man he looks at in the mirror everyday. No blaming anyone here this time. If Romney tears him up then he deserves to go.
We need to stick to basics and facts..the people I talk to about Obama's administration have no facts just opinion and conjecture. When I bring up a fact they twist it and turn it to shine a positive light on this administration. Or they go on a tirade about something that has nothing to do with the subject. It's been said that TEA Party members are crazy folks that believe in conspiracy and wear tinfoil hats. I charge the left with going a bit crazy! Current conversations lead in some odd directions. When the conversation places Obama in a negative light, then I'm a racist or a birther. When policy is the topic then I'm charged with wanting to kill off the weak and starve off the poor. When it's brought up in my circle of employed peers that we/they are possibly in the top 25% of wage earners in the USA, they immediately and vehemently deny it! Even in the face of facts! (Split point is $67,280, adjusting for fringe benefits this is very attainable even for a single earner clinical healthcare worker) Next time someone says "We are the 99%!" and exclaims it loudly, tell them your the 25% and your financing this fiasco.
We are the producers. We are the financiers of the current and the future. WE are currently spending that future. We have created an economic atmosphere where food producing farmers can't survive without subsidy. We have decided that international companies can't survive without a bailout. We have bought into the idea that the very economy we call our own needs "quantitative easing" to remain stable. (Or at least kick the can down the road for the next administration to address) We have been blinded by the division that the left is creating. We have created the class warfare. We elected officials that are creating a divide between the producers and the dependents.
When the dependents outnumber the producers then all is lost. If anyone believes that the 'have-nots' that are getting handouts are going to vote for an administration that reduces government costs they have their heads in the sand.
We will be the undoing of our own way of life.
That's my two cent's spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.