Saturday, October 27, 2012

Obama is afflicted with what he claims Romney has

Kimberley Strassel of the Wallstreet Journal wrote a nice piece that I'd like to like you all to. All that's interested in it anyway! This piece illustrates the depths of which Obama sink to regain the title. He is guilty of what he charges others with. Obamnesia.

Click the link below to view the article.

The sad fact is that ALL politicians change their stance on most political subjects. The positive way of looking at the changes they make is to look if the changes cut to the core of their ideals. If a man can make a change to affect change for the majority, without endangering another man's liberties or compromising his own core ideals, then that man is a great thinker. Obama has shown us his colors. We can't afford four more years of a President that himself votes "present".

That's my two cents (and Kimberley Strassel's), spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.