1. Can we continue to support this debt and spending level?
2. Who is best equipped to address the current fiscal issues we face?
3. Am I best equipped to make the right choice?
Right now as of this writing at 4pm on 10/18/2012 the US total debt stands at
That's alot of friggin' commas! No one, ever in the history of the world has ever had this level of debt. EVER. As Americans we enjoy many freedoms that will erode to support this debt.
Let's look at the 4 years that Obama has had to work on changing this. No budget under this administration. Some on the left say that a budget isn't needed. That discretionary appropriations take the place of a budget. Bullshit. We need a baseline before those discretionary appropriations. No budget allows the government to have more latitude on those discretionary appropriations. In other words, spend what you want, we'll vote on it and if you have the votes we'll let you have it. This reckless spending policy has led to the number you see above.
Which brings us to the answer of the first question: An emphatic NO.
This can be fixed by first creating a atmosphere in Washington D.C. that limits spending. Start with a budget. That'll at the least give the idiots that run the show a soft boundary. I mean there will still be the discretionary spending, but at least there will be a number that when they pass it we'll hear about it on every news channel. Push for and enact a BALANCED BUDGET amendment. Many states enjoy this perk and it works. Money going out has to equal money coming in or it just don't jive.
And to answer the second question: Romney. Do I feel he's perfect? No, but as a businessman he balanced budgets, as Governor of Massachusetts he balanced the budget and as chair of the Olympics again, he balanced the budget. As a businessman he's had to create an air of compromise for forward movement on many business deals. Obama has not ever, EVER created nor balanced a budget (unless it was his own household, but I'm even having trouble saying that) he's never had to pull a group together with varying views to create forward movement. Prove me wrong.
This brings us to a question that is on all of our minds and our third question: YES.
We are all equipped to make the right decision as to who should be at the helm of this great country. The problem is that we are asking the wrong question. John F. Kennedy said it best "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what YOU can do for your country." More and more people, instead of looking at what could be done for the country as a whole, ask first "What am I going to GET out of it" Now handouts trump citizenship. Foodstamps, free cell phones, cash benefits, unemployment extensions and healthcare. No purpose in life except trying to figure out how to get more from the system. They tell us this is isolated to a small group but then tout the 99%. Which is it? We are the system. We allow this behavior. We support this behavior. WE HAVE CREATED THIS BEHAVIOR. I AM PART OF THE PROBLEM BECAUSE I'VE STAYED QUIET TOO LONG.
In order to get this country on the right track we must return to our principles. Now I'm not saying that you need to find Jesus or Allah or any other religion, but I am saying that we need to have a distinct line between right and wrong. This line as it pertains to our government and their inability to be good stewards of our money has been blurred by social issues. The left pounces on any budgetary steps on any entitlements as 'barbaric' cuts, the right wants grandma to starve or eat catfood, or one freeze to death. How about when the money finally runs out? No long a $10 a month cut..money is gone you get none.
So, the debates just feel like rhetorical ping pong. Soundbites at the expense of us all. Obama is a charismatic bastard, as is Romney. But the simple truth is in the actions of both men. I will stand with Romney's imperfect record before I except the continued failings of Obama.
That's my two cent's spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next guy.