The Obama campaign has adopted "Forward" as it's slogan. It is fitting for his campaign since there has been little forward motion under his direction. All the people of the left keep saying that it can't be directly attributed to Obama. I agree, it does take the House and the Senate to effect the foward momentum of government however, the President is supposed to be the big coach. The man that rallies the troops to effect change. The great communicator that finds common ground where there seemly is none. By his own actions, has he demonstrated that he is that man? My position is no, he has not.
The first two years of Obama's term he enjoyed a controlling majority in both the House and Senate. What did he do in that time? Champion a cause for the middle class? No. The middle class still got the shaft. Under the ACA (ObamaCare) A family of four maximum out of pocket costs will be $992 for a family making $31,900 but climbs to $8379 for a family making $88,200. And the sneaky bastard said he would raise taxes on the middle class..isn't this a tax in non-tax clothes? A 3% cost for the family making $31,900 and 9.5% for the family making 88,200. So, by my very rudimentary math..that is 6.5% more so let us call it what it is...a tax. My insurance is going up...larger deductible, larger bi-weekly payment. Costs across the board are going up.
The same people that have to pay more are the people that are going to have to not do that home improvement (carpentry jobs), fix or buy a car (mechanic/dealership jobs), enjoy a nice meal at a restaurant (food service jobs), take a trip (travel jobs) and help finance their children's education (most education enjoys a large subsidy, making most education worthless, so no jobs here).
That same family at $31,900 is entitled to a whole lot more government subsidies as well. Food stamps, a free phone, heating oil assistance, Medicaid and other subsidies. Google it, facts are facts. This amounts to redistribution. You can't make the poor rich by making the rich poor. What incentive is there if you lose a perk depending on your income level. I've read articles in my local paper of families going to the extreme of one of the two working adults 'cutting back' hours to fall under the income guidelines to retain public assistance. Is this the kind of America we want? Stop trying, it's not worth it. We'll cover the expenses you just sit at home, we'd hate to have you miss your soaps. We've stunted a whole generation because it's more lucrative (easy?) to do what you want to do instead of working. Forward?? Really?? What a farce.
The current administration keeps championing education. They want small classrooms and more teachers. In 1960 the teacher/student ration stood at 1 teacher to 26 students. It now stands at 1 to 16. That number doesn't take into account teacher aides of which, in some schools, there is sometimes one to one. I am a champion of education as well but, if you pump out the people with educations faster than an economy can support them, then that education is worthless. Example: If someone wanted a white car and the majority of the car dealers only offered white cars, then the color really wouldn't be an incentive to pick from. Only a truly standout car dealer would get the sale. Now, if the buyer was looking for a red car and only one dealer sold red...guess who gets the sale? If everyone has a degree that's looking for a particular position, the employer really doesn't take that into consideration when looking at a prospective employee rendering the degree worthless. Education is only going to be good for the country if the country is good for the people who are educated. An improved business climate cannot rise with class warfare.
Obama and his administration has had four years to affect change. They have not. Now the only thing they have to run on is that they need more time. Enough is enough. We can't afford four more years of this.
That's my two cent's spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.