A student of history once remarked, ""Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". That man,
George Santayana, was a philosopher, poet and 'man of letters'. Raised and educated in the United States and moved away to Europe after age 42 never to return. His quote above is often brought forth in conversation as a descriptor for the atrocities committed in Nazi Germany. The mass murders of million of Jews for no other reason than their religious beliefs. But this quote can be applied to all history. A history that is being re-written by omission by an ideology that believes it knows 'whats best' for us as a whole. This blogger charges that by re-writing our history to further an agenda amounts, no less, to slow erosion of a belief. Murder of our ideals and insidiously stripping a nation of it's core values through re-education. There's nothing to see here folks, move along.

Looking back through history, I looked for the reasoning behind the
American Revolution. While this is history, it's not exactly an easy task. Portions of our history has been edited in a liberal view. Very seldom is the British Monarchy viewed as the oppressor to the Colonies that it was. To me it was as if the written history was framed as if Britain was the 'Parent' and the Colonies were the 'Petulant Child', that Britain was just doing what it needed to do to further it's relevancy. We students of history view our relation with the government more of Oppressor/Oppressed. Sounds alot like our current government. Britain levied taxes, created rules and regulations that the colonist had to live by. They had no voting representation in parliament. The laws, rules and regulations effected the colonists without any input from them, many of the colonist didn't understand nor were notified of these changes but were bound by them. Taxes, laws, rules and regulation drove our forefathers to revolution and it's coming back around.

Over 40,000 laws, rules and regulations were instituted in 2010. Another 40,000 in 2011..and guess what happened in January 2012? If you answered another 40,000 laws rules and regulations that give yourself a pat on the back. Welcome to the United States of Oppression. Does anyone know all these laws, rules and regulations? You do realize that ignorance is no excuse of the law? If you run afoul of any of these laws rules or regulations you could be fined, jailed, lose property, forced to comply (even if it's unreasonable and could result in the closure of your place of business) or in some places in this great country, put to death. Laws on top of laws, rules that make little sense and regulations that regulate what other regulations regulate. These are the same conditions that drove our forefathers to the extreme actions that resulted in the birth of a nation.
We've forgotten our past and we're repeating it. Different time, different circumstances, but it will be the same result. Students of history will see the repeating nature of history but students of government feel it can be different. That these different times allow the mistakes of the past to be the triumphs of this future. Just time and technology separates these points, the
human condition never changes. Our current administration and it's party condemns an entire movement, the
TEA Party, as being extremist. That the movement's ideals are not those of our nation's. What they don't realize is that these ideals, that the TEA Party adheres to, are the very same ideals that built this nation. These ideas and ideals are not antiquated and cannot be easily cast aside as illustrated by the popularity of the ideas put forth by the TEA Party. This administration's disregard for a political movement is a thin veiled attempt to illegitimate it. Nothing to see here folks, move along.
We are at a tipping point in the history of the United States of America. Don't believe what our government tells you. Our government is doing things that we think only other governments do. They are telling us that the economy is improving when, well what do you think? Are you any better off than you were five years ago? They tell us that unemployment is falling, but they have 'adjusted' employment levels to hide a drop in total jobs by close to a million. All this in the face of 12 million new employment age adults over the same time frame. And they institute laws. And rules. And regulations. So many in fact that no one person can possibly read or understand them all. We are required to adhere to these though we know nothing about them until we step out of line.
There's a coming revolution...who's with me? Don't listen to the people who champion one side or the other. Look for the underdog, it's usually they who have the right views. This great country was established by people who questioned the status quo. By individuals who were ready, by simply signing a Declaration, to put their lives in jeopardy for their ideals. I'm not saying run right out and start a TEA party chapter, but don't cast aside their values for some of them may in fact be your own. The government wants you to believe that the TEA Party is a small, fractured faction of nut jobs because they stand against everything big government stands for. You've been duped.
That's my two cent's, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.