Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Distract Divide and Defeat.

Riding home this morning in the car, I was listening to a local talk radio show take calls on a proposed new helmet/motorcycle law here in Maine. Listening at the passionate replies to the hosts questions from the callers made me ponder, why can't we apply that fervor to our growing national problems like the economy, debt and security? Then it hit me. STRATEGY!

Politics have become a game of strategy. I'd wager that politicians utilize more strategists than professional sports franchises. Think about it like this: Football isn't just about throwing the ball for a touchdown, it's about fooling the other side to think you've thrown the ball while you move the ball on foot, or vice versa. Same with basketball, fake out then pass. Of course there is offense and defense as well, but the best plays are made when you don't see them coming. Looking at the disarray we face in the political landscape doesn't seem to make any sense on a local and state level, but when we apply all those state/local issues to a national issue it becomes a little more clear. DISTRACT, DIVIDE AND DEFEAT. This is the game of the POLITICIAN. Not a game of left or right, conservative or liberal, it's a game they ALL play in order to further an agenda! And we the American people can't get our collective shit together to keep on one issue long enough to influence a positive outcome. WE GIVE THEM THEIR VICTORY!

The current issue in Maine about helmet laws has been tried over and over again. This time is no different. Same issues different player. At first I couldn't really understand the reasoning behind revisiting a topic that has been played out before. It was soundly defeated before because of the collective disdain for the legislation. Why would this make any difference right now in our current political climate? Then a caller came on the radio and said something that put it all in place. The caller stated, "The United Bikers Of Maine are stronger than the National Rifle Association". That statement put it all together. Conspiracy theories are  not usually a topic for that I subscribe to or propagate, but if I was the coach for the national team...this is exactly what I'd be looking to do. Tying up a large, vocal, powerful voting machine with a hot button issue. They want them to think that they have the ball, but there's a bigger game being played outside of their view. Distract, divide and ultimately DEFEAT.

If we look across the local political landscape state to state, numerous hot button legislation is coming to the table. Even nationally the current administration is touting gun control an issue that has even pulled the wool over my eyes. At many times it's distracted me from the policies that are being ferreted thru on an administrative basis. No vote, no legislation, no input from the people these policies govern. In essence, taxation without representation. The very same issues that drove our forefathers into declaring our Independence from the British Monarchy. This administration will push through executive policies through entities like the Environmental Protection Agency, Internal Revenue Service, Department of Energy, Department of the Interior, Justice Department and others really too numerous to list. Go here for list. All of these policies will take effect unbeknownst to the American people, at least that is until you cross the government.  

All of this legislation seems like it's not connected and on it's face, it's not. But step back and look at the whole picture. Look at it like a strategist would. Take all of the information to form a game plan. That's when it starts to make sense. In this world we're all connected electronically. We get our news from numerous sources. Information is widely disseminated quickly and efficiently over the internet and politicians are losing control of that information. So what better way to control the information people get by creating noise? They are solidifying their political power simply by clouding the issues with so much crap we can't come together collectively to support or defeat their policies. We also are the ones making the noise, but instead of a collective crescendo, we just add to the white noise that clouds the subject. I'd like to think I'm a clear voice in the noise, but I'm not sure about that now. I may be a shill in the political strategists game. Maybe they are one step ahead of me.

Now I know why conspiracy theorists are seen as whack-jobs...I'm beginning to question my place in the grand scheme of things! I'm not sure if this is really my two cent's or if I'm just the next guy in line OR IF THOSE TWO CENTS HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO ME TO SPEND AS THEY SEE FIT!

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person?