I'm all for freedom of information. We as a people need to understand what our government is doing with our money. But...not at the expense of the safety of others. The Bangor Daily News said it would not publish "wholesale" lists in its pages. Then why would they want the information? They state it's for research..what exactly are you researching? You can get the number of licenses probably broken down by township and or sex. Why would you need the names of these individuals who took all the necessary steps to abide by the law? This type of information grab served no purpose. What next BDN, you going to ask for a list of the Gay and Lesbian marriage licenses? Or how about EBT card holders? Where does it end?
All these laws that the Democrats and Liberal Left try to champion does little to take guns from the people that should not have them. It does however remove guns and access to certain types of weaponry from LAW ABIDING CITIZENS. Any wonder why the centers of gun violence happens to be in Democratically saturated areas? If I were a criminal I'd prey on the helpless...and to me someone with less access to weaponry is helpless. If you look at the correlation between gun ownership and violent crimes you will see a marked downturn in communities that champion responsible gun ownership. Metro centers like Chicago, New York and Washington DC with there draconian gun restrictions have huge increases in gun violence despite legislation that the Democrats would have you believe should prevent it. We don't have a gun problem..we have a Democrat problem!!

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun. FACT. I'm not afraid to say, I'm a good guy, I have a gun and I'm licensed to carry.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.