A person guns down a bunch of school kids then takes his own life. A horrible tragedy that should have never happened...but it did. Now we have to deal with the sensationalism of the media. The coverage we now see on this tragedy has nothing to do with saving lives, championing gun control or respecting the dead.
Why does it dominate the airwaves? Why is it on every channel?
Ratings. Pure and simple. Ratings. That's all those people care about and if they say any different they are full of shit. I'm guilty of it myself. To see the number of hits climb on this very blog is exhilarating, but to profit on misery is part of the sick joke that society has become. The very people that use gun incidents to push gun control secretly hope for more incidents. I'd imagine that Andrea Mitchell or Chris Matthews get all excited when they have something to shoot their mouths off about and the more sensational the better. They feed on controversy. This isn't to say that the conservatives don't do it too. I've seen the same bullshit on Fox. The old saying goes, that you don't want to look at the train wreck, but you can't take your eyes off of it.
We've broached this subject time and time again. Gun control. When, in our lives, has control of anything by the government actually improved anything? I charge any of my readers to bring to my attention anything that the government has regulated that has improved..barring environmental issues because if you bring up cleaner air and water, I'm going to counter with the global warming argument that I don't really buy into. Everything the government touches turns to shit, pure and simple.
Let's just compare the two that gun control activists always bring up. Regulation of driving as compared to guns. With driving you have to get a license, insurance, and register your vehicle. With guns you need none of these. But if the government tries to impose tyranny over us, are we going to grab our gun or get in our cars? Regulating driving is not a constitutional right put in place as a deterrence to TYRANNY as owning weapons is. Constitutionally we are given the right to bear arms specifically as a deterrence to a take over by our government. Look at what regulation of driving does though, it controls how we move about in our own country. Any and all laws and regulation are put in place to control the masses. The only viable control we have is to remain independent. The only way we retain that independence is to be feared by those who would push their control onto us.
Gun control advocates try and say that a man with a gun is no match for a tank, or an armed drone, or a bomb, that our Military can't be countered by the armed citizens. Did anyone see the resources it took to take down ONE man in California? Chris Dorner, the cop gone rogue, tied up millions of dollars worth of resources and he was ONE MAN. Could you imagine the resources it would take to take the collective weaponry from all LEGAL gun owners? Go ahead and try. This is why gun advocates fight any type of registry of gun owners. Currently there is no way to effectively put together a concerted effort to disarm Americans quickly. Look up gun registration in Nazi Germany and see how that played out.
Society is broken. We've created a system that rewards mediocrity and punishes excellence and innovation. It's a society that covets entertainment over education. Our country needs to return to the ideal of "We The People", not "To Each According To Their Means" (a communist ideal).
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.