Today it was reported on that this administration authorized the phone surveillance of ALL Verizon customers. That's all of them people, even the millions under NO SUSPICION OF ANY WRONG DOING. This administration is spying on it's own people and thinks it's perfectly normal. They have the power, they shall wield that power how they see fit. The only problem with that is that they are a government for the people, by the people. We need to remind them of that.

Our liberties are being stolen from us by unaccountable government agencies and it's time we put a stop to it. This goes beyond party lines, Senator Lindsey Graham a Republican, felt that this behavior was fine. He said that 'I don't talk to terrorists, if you don't you have nothing to worry about'. Washington politics at its best. Imagine, someone steps in and burns one house down in a neighborhood of 1000 houses. They let it burn and when pressed on it, the firemen tell you, 'it's not your house, so you have nothing to worry about'. Next time, it may just be your house they burn. Senator Graham, you get today's Piece of Shit Award! Congratulations Senator!
This is being reported as an egregious assault on privacy but I think we can look at the current pattern of deceit as a little more insidious. What if the aren't looking for criminals? In today's computer age, you can write programs that can do just about anything. Like postulate seemingly random patterns in mountains of random data into useable win elections and retain power. Pretty chilling isn't it?
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.