Watching Fox New's series 'Prying Eyes' affirmed my suspicions that the people in power have been given TOO much power. The current crop of scandals happening at the federal level shouldn't just ruffle conservative feathers any liberals that are reading this, be very afraid. Having the ability to mine data in all of the programs the federal government lays claim to allows not only a liberal, fictitious president like Obama to stay in power, it'll allow a Republican do the same.
And yes, you read that right, FICTITIOUS PRESIDENT OBAMA.
Long before the election a group of behavioral psychologists and political strategists sat down in a room at the AFL-CIO building in Washington D.C. postulating what it would take to win the presidency. The foremost condition was to put up a candidate that would be not only electable, but pliable to the collective. The collective consists of people that think they know what best direction to take the United States in. For years I have made statements that Obama isn't the man in charge. This is evident in the way he speaks, he rarely answers questions and ALWAYS uses a teleprompter. Previous Presidents hired speech writers, now the speech writers have hired a president. This is no longer a theory. People have come forth and revealed their intentions and their strategies.

They have rewritten a chapter right out of Mein Kampf, a book authored by Adolph Hitler that outlined the ability to control the seemingly random nature of crowds. The crowd that these self appointed leaders are trying to appeal to is the United States voters and you know what? They have succeeded. The difference between Nazi Germany then and the United States government now, is that their access to real time information gives them the tools to remain in power and a pliable leader (Obama) unlike Hitler who was prone to erratic behavior. They use these tools to feed the proper strategy and information to their successors and people who subscribe to their direction. These people have used behavioral studies to predict just what needs to be said to get people to vote a certain way.
Any liberals out there that read this blog, can you tell me anything that Barack Obama the candidate said that came true? And don't try and feed me any shit about ObamaCare, I work in healthcare and see the effect of's not going to be pretty. Where's the transparency? How about GITMO? Oh, and the wars he said he'd end (Iraq ended on time with Bush's plan)? He told you what you wanted to was all bullshit specifically tailored by behavioral psychologists to get you to the polls and vote for them. Now that they have the reigns they have ALL the information to stay in power they need from the IRS, EPA, NSA, CIA, FBI, Verizon, Google, Facebook and countless others. Real time information to make real time adjustments and affect a SEEMINGLY RANDOM CROWD. WE ARE THAT SEEMINGLY RANDOM CROWD.
Is it any wonder that the richest counties in the nation surround Washington D.C.? This is where the elite live, work and intend to STAY IN POWER. They have figured out how to scientifically influence a nation of dipshits through propaganda. To take from Mein Kampf : "All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed. The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses. The broad masses of the people are not made up of diplomats or professors of public jurisprudence nor simply of persons who are able to form reasoned judgment in given cases, but a vacillating crowd of human children who are constantly wavering between one idea and another." These words are from the mind of Adolph Hitler, but are considered by some to be the very blueprint of modern politics.
The current crop of scandals are even making the people that identify this administration as their champion jump ship. They have supported this administration through attacks on the 2nd Amendment, but as soon as the 1st and 4th come into play, all bets are off. Movie stars, music stars and people of affluence. Of course they aren't necessarily the smartest of the crop anyway, the greatest actors are just the ones that are best DIRECTED. Pliable individuals that do as they are told. The administration will just continue to ignore the scandals, claim ignorance and manufacture some other behaviorally proven crisis created to pry your eyes from the train wreck.
Keep milling about the fields sheep. They expect you to do as you are told and to cast off sober reasoning to embrace emotional rhetoric. BAAAAAA!!!! Keep doing what they want, right up til they shear off your wool and make the strong ones into lamb chops. Your doing exactly what their behavioral psychologists said you would.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.