So, sitting back and watching the questioning of affected groups and posturing (ie: Congressman Jim McDermott) does anyone else come to the conclusion that the IRS profiling of conservative groups was a directed effort to throw confusion and disarray into the conservative effort for the 2012 Presidential election? I'm not a huge John Boehner fan, but I think he was spot on when he stated, "My question isn't about who's going to resign - my question is who is going to jail over this scandal?" I think that they ought to start at the bottom and the people at the bottom will give up the people up the line. Go right in and take the first person that handled those claims and tell him he or she will lose her job unless they can prove they were directed by higher up. Then start trucking for the top. These rotten bastards have forgotten their place, they are OUR servants we do not serve them.
Jim McDermott, aka Piece of Shit. |
Congressman Jim Mcdermott took his questioning time at the microphone to try and belay the investigation as a political witch hunt. His statement can be found here. Bringing up past indiscretions to condone the behavior of the current administration. One of the points he made was that these organizations that were targeted were 'highly political' in nature. Why then do the Democrats defend, vehemently, the actions by ACORN? Not to mention the long list of left leaning, politically charged organizations that were afforded tax exempt status in weeks while the average 'processing' time for perceived conservative groups is 2.5 YEARS! Even faced with proof that the IRS committed a felony by releasing tax documents to organizations friendly to the administration, Congressman McDermott chose to use his time at the microphone to tell the complainants that it was pretty much their own fault. He said it had nothing to do with politics, but brought up Bush and past Republican leaders. I applaud Paul Ryan for calling him out on his high and mighty rant. Congressman McDermott, I hear by give you the PIECE OF SHIT award. You sir, are a big, steaming pile of super stinky shit. You sir have forgotten who you serve.
Fact is, most of the Democrats on the panel used their time not for questions, but for prepared statements. Doesn't that kind of illustrate the fact that this is all about politics? From the clerk that handled the application to the head of the department, Lois Lerner, that sent letters stating 'If your donor X signs an affidavit stating he will not run for office, this will all go away', this goes all the way to the top. So what if Obama himself was insulated from it by his handlers not telling him about the problem? That's his fault for surrounding himself with people who thought it was their job to protect the President through disinformation. He surrounded himself with people who felt they could run the country without him. His ego surrounded by like egos. Arrogance feeding arrogance.
This was political strategy by using the heavy hand of the government to throw the opposition into disarray. Could Mitt Romney have pulled out a win if this criminal utilization of the IRS had not occurred? Possibly. Because of the actions by the administration, and yes this is their watch so it's their fault, the opposition lost valuable support because they were entrenched in a fiscal battle with the IRS. This arm of the government has been afforded too much control. We as citizens are not allowed to withhold information that could incriminate us from them. We can not plead the Fifth on matters involving the IRS. We as citizens have allowed our elected officials to make an entity of the government that can do things to us that circumvent due process. IT'S TIME TO SAY ENOUGH. I stand with the TEA Parties in their action against the United States Government. Our liberties are under attack by the very people we have elected to protect them.
When I say it's a slippery slope to 'adjust' a given liberty like gun ownership I mean it. Now that the left's coveted right to free speech is under attack with the secret phone record grab, they have begun to wake up to this fact. Let's see if they covet their freedom and liberty as much as we do.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.