Saturday, June 8, 2013

Careening INTO Control

Usually I don't delve into hearsay and conjecture...but the pattern of corruption in this administration has me thinking. All of the news organization are running stories about all the different scandals currently plaguing the government and the only connection they draw is one of either willful ignorance by the President or incompetence of his staff. What if it's really neither? What if what we are seeing, while on it's face random, is really calculated intelligence to effect elections?

First Fast and Furious came about, those explanations still defy belief. Benghazi was covered up, there is plenty of proof on that. The IRS activity was directed by top brass and that will come out soon. Phone records seized by the AG and now the NSA are being cast off as simple data mining without actually monitoring content. Now the EPA has even jumped on the bandwagon and it looks like they have selectively punished conservative groups. Let's look at each one on it's face.

The Fast and Furious gun walking scheme that resulted in thousands of guns getting into the hands of Mexican criminals is still being stonewalled by the administration. Numerous attempts to resolve this has been met with resistance clear to the President himself. What if it's a smoke screen to keep us from looking at other scandals? 

Benghazi would have been a PR nightmare if it hadn't been handled the way it was. People like to believe the smiling idiot...guess you know who that is. As long as he followed the script, it would push it and any investigation past the election. Just what they wanted. Jay Carney is on record as saying that the administration made only one insignificant change to the talking points of the raid. When the truth came out the administration directed no fewer than 12 changes to the official report. Those changes were not made from intelligence but from conjecture. Or were they made up from a narrative friendly to the election process?

The IRS activity was known about several months prior to the election. Again, they pushed any action out past the election. These acts by the IRS not only were criminal (giving private information to liberal groups) it undermined the confidence of the nation. The administration knew about this prior to the election. The fact that Obama claims ignorance does not absolve him from blame. The IRS will never let YOU get away by pleading ignorance of the law, why should we give a pass to this administration? This seemingly random targeting of conservative groups prior to the election looks like a vindictive agenda against this administrations detractors, but what if it's really a calculated move by a cunning political machine?

Now the phone record grab by the AG and NSA. The AG monitoring of Fox News reporter James Rosen and naming him as a co-conspirator of spying was a stretch. This administration has used the 1917 Espionage Act to lend credence to it's attacks on our liberties. They come to the table saying that it is all about a 'safer' America. A person that would trade his liberties for security deserves neither. (from a quote from Benjamin Franklin) This argument that Obama raises, "You can't have 100% security and 100% privacy" is moot. It's not his place to make those assumptions. The over reach of the government has become apparent and this records grab is an illegal dragnet. They are telling us it's about security, but what if its really a large scale citizen monitoring system that allows the political machine a way to set up a scenario that favors the group in power?

Now we are starting to hear reports of selective enforcement and favoritism coming out of the EPA. It's not immediately apparent how far they have gone, but I'm sure it'll all come out in the wash. Right now it's just a matter of charging conservative groups for their fees for documents while 90% of liberal groups get those same fees waived. Bias is bias, no matter the cost and justice delayed is justice denied.
Dr. Joseph Goebbels was Hitler's Minister of Propaganda
I'm not a political strategist, but if I had access to some of the smartest computers, oodles and oodles of information that tracked communications and movement of the people, access to punitive systems that could selectively throw the opposition into disarray...and a chance that I'd get away with it? Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The lies are piling up like cord wood and still the liberal left circles the wagons. All of these scandals look unrelated, but I'm going to go out on the conspiracy theorist limb here and state that they are very much related. As much as I'd like to believe that the government is built on a foundation that prevents a coordinated effort to effect elections through manipulation, I'm afraid that we've found a group that has the skill to do it. When we see Obama speak, he's just the actor in front of the crowd. The people that are running the show hand picked him to read what they want us to know. What seems like a horrific train wreck of scandals could be them just careening INTO control. The best moves in chess are the ones that make no sense.

They only thing that can save us from careening into a progressive socialist state is the missteps by this group. They have shat where they eat. They have attacked the people that put them in power. The James Rosen and AP phone taps are turning a friendly to the administration press group against them. Favorable coverage will begin to give way to ACTUAL objective reporting. It's about time they start reporting the news instead of feeding us sugar coated bullshit.

That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.