Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bush 2.0

Obama still blames Bush after four years of his own policy making endeavor. Four years of his own choices, political position picks, two of them with his own party controlling the House and Senate. Still, it's all Bush's fault. I think the left has it all wrong. If Bush was so bad, why continue/adhere to his policies? That's what Obama did..made a few of them worse.

I have not made any secret to my disdain for deficit spending. The current deficit spending is not even on the same level that Bush spent. Obama graduated from basic human needs to building business or trying, he's proving to be as good a businessman as he is President ie: Solyndra and other bad bets. He's credited with saving GM and Dodge. Wish we could see the balance sheets on that one. It's estimated that GM loses $30,000 on every Volt it sells. Those deals were done to save the union. The very people that dumped $100's of millions into his campaign. More bank bailouts, rising gas prices, middle east unrest, stimulus spending, continuation of the wars/troop surge and even an extension on the 'Bush' tax cuts (those are Obama's now, he claimed them when he penned his name on the extension).

The problem with these moves he's made in the political arena, well...Bush and his administration proposed these. The only thing that he pushed was Obamacare. I'd be willing to bet that's going to end up in the trashcan of history before long. What we have here all you Bush 2.0! A vote for Obama would be like a continuation of Bush! Keep blaming the very administration that Obama get's all his ideas for them. I think that he sits down and and says..WWGWB do? If given more time in office he may not of dug this deep a hole, but he was headed that way. I'd like to believe that he pulled the country to center, but the Democrats had control of the House and I think Bush took a 'left'.

One of the biggest reasons, in my opinion, that Obama was elected was because people needed hope and change. They believed in the snake oil that Obama was slinging. It's tough not to. He's an articulate speaker (albeit with a teleprompter) handsome (for all you ladies out there) and get's an automatic pass from people of color. Go back and look at all of his promises prior to election. Listen to his wonderful oration and compare his words to his actions. Look at the facts. See through his flash and flair to the shallow, self-centered politician.

Here's some facts for you to ponder:
  • 12 Million more households on Foodstamps (SNAP program)
  • Gas prices 100% higher than December 2009, If you were spending $3000 a year on gas in 2008 then your paying $6000 now. 
  • 500,000 less people in the total US workforce (the only reason the unemployment rate fell from 8.3 to 8.1 is because over 300,000 people stopped looking)
  • 12.5 Million unemployed counted, actual 22.5 Million. Many people have given up looking. Hanging off the federal teat is becoming lucrative
  • 5.4 more million people and their dependents getting SS Disability
  • Groceries 46% higher than 2008 (and there's no inflation)
  • Average median income down $4000
  • $12 per person, per day in deficit spending. That means every day if you had $50 in pay per day and you spend $50 plus $12 on your credit card that you have no way of paying back. The only way to pay it back is to expect your children to cover your debt when your gone. That's what our government is doing.
This November we all need to ask each other 'Are we really better off?' We need to suffer now to make a better tomorrow for our future generations. This debt we are running up is going to crush them. Obama needs to stop kicking the can down the road. Someone eventually will need to address this debt. Do it now. We as Americans can weather the storm. People will suffer. It's what we do. The reason we don't help each other as much, as in the past, is because the government has stepped in and taking the reigns. It 'absolves' us from taking care of each other. We will revert to our moral basics. Basic human needs will be addressed. I have faith in my fellow man. We don't need the government to take care of the people, we can do it on our own.

That's my two cent's, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.