My postings here probably make me seem like I have an innate disdain for democrats. I don't..I more or less feel sad for them. I watch and listen to interviews that include opinions from both sides and the middle and all I here coming from the democratic side is the same talking points from every different guest. Exact verbiage. No facts or statistics that support their position. It must be tough to wake up, look in the mirror and say to yourself "I guess it's another day of spouting someone else's words to further our agenda". No solutions just rhetoric. And, again, I'm the small-minded, ignorant one.
The Democrats run around and beat up the opposition on anything they say but they fail on the criticism because they refuse to address their own shortcomings. Instead they spout talking points, most of which have little to no bearing on the current conversation. At least if your going to use the talking points, use them in a useful and coherent manner. Is that too much to ask? I mean do these people record and watch/listen to themselves? To recite information with facts that support your decision is easy! This is the information age!! All this stuff is online! The Library of Congress, Congressional Budget Office, US Census it's all out there, but the Democrats just spew bullshit with no real facts. And when confronted with facts the first thing that comes out of their mouths is "Your getting all your facts from Fox News". How about you people pick up a book that isn't fiction? I admit I watch Fox News, but only for ideas. See..they do something that NO OTHER new organization does. They try to include both sides of a topic. A debate style interview. That allows me, as a viewer, to take the facts from both sides and research them. Obviously the Democrats can't be bothered by reading the actual facts...they just regurgitate the talking points. And sadly, the only side with solutions are the Republicans (any viable solutions being that independents really have little chance to effect change). I read the facts and form my own opinion unlike the zombie masses of Democrats that all speak with one mind. Too bad that mind is an empty headed, Marxist with a poor work ethic in the White House.
So, the Democrats have begun the count down for election. And thus begins the Apology for Obama Tour. No real facts, no real solutions..and no change. They will continue to refuse to answer any questions with simple yes and no. Stick the the talking points. It really makes them all seem a little special (I apologize to the special people out there, I'm a window licker myself and can't go in a store without embarrassing my wife). The will stick to the 'Bush did this' mentality. I, myself, was against Bush's spending policies. That happens to be a point that Obama and I saw eye to eye on, until he was elected and spent faster and farther into debt than any previous administration. Fact, check it out.
In closing I just want any of my Democratic friends to look at this as a wake up call. Go out there and get your own brain, stop spewing talking points. Read what our government is up to right from their own information portals (all the sources above are hyperlinked). This is suppose to be a government 'For the People, By the People'. If you think your side is really doing whats in your best interest, make sure instead of just voting blind, or as Nancy Pelosi said "We have to pass it so you can see whats in it" referring to the PPACA. Go ahead, read it. Don't you want to know whats in it, or do you TRUST the people that didn't read it that voted on it?
Facts are facts. Try to dispute what I say. I want people to enlighten me, really I do! If any of my opinions are not what you think can be plausible, then give me the facts to change my mind.
That's my two cent's, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.