What's worse, telling the truth even though it ruffles a few feathers..or telling outright lies to appease a majority?
Mitt Romney made a comment about the '47%' that do not pay taxes or receive some form of government aid in the context that there is nothing he can do to sway their vote. Now the media is hammering away at this trying to make it seem like he's not in touch with Americans or somehow differentiating between the classes. He has again and again stated that there needs to be a change. That many people on some form of government assistance is unacceptable.
Maslow's hierarchy of needs states there are five levels of human need. The first three are pretty much basic needs of which the first two are pretty much covered by government entitlement. The fourth is Esteem. Esteem is driven by a sense of accomplishment, job well done...a basic need of self-betterment. However, when you hand out the first three in government entitlement it takes away the tools for these people to rise above. It placates their basic needs without their input thus taking that skill building portion away. When a human doesn't progress in this hierarchy any changes cause anxiety, weakness and helplessness. What the progressive left perceives as helping the helpless is actually creating a subset of society that will function at a lower level and weaken us as a nation.
Obama would have us believe that Romney is a callous, Richie Rich kid that cares not for anyone below his socioeconomic standard. I think he sincerely wants to shrink government, create jobs and reduce the number of people on welfare. I believe that even though some of these '47%' will have to climb their asses of their couch and find a job to survive, I bet that will do more for their collective self-value than Obama and his ilk have done by handing out food stamps. It's kind of ridiculous to believe that we are ENTITLED to anything. While Obama's administration spends $12 per person per day into deficit are we truly any better off? Oh..and the lie I alluded to from Obama..pick one. The guy can't stop spewing them. Look at my past posts. All facts, all said by the 'Chosen One' himself.