So, I originally chastised the current administration for 'apology' tactics in the 9/11 embassy murders. I still stand by my comments because at the time the facts supported them. There has been new developments in the investigation that continues to support my position that this administration leads with a weak hand. This perceived weakness by the very people that wish us harm will continue to fan the flames of anti-american protests and attacks.
Intelligence on the ground are reporting that the timeline / characterization of the events that led up to the attack and murder on the embassy are false. What they are reporting is that this was a coordinated attack and that this administration failed to recognize the threat. We live in a very different world than just 4 years ago. The need for constant vigilance is a necessary policy that Obama and his administration ignores (ie: missing two thirds of his security briefings). This blame game on a poorly directed movie that poked fun at a religion is farcical. The blame lies squarely on this administration for not using the intelligence at their disposal to protect our interests abroad.
There has been, as this administration puts it, 'a wave of democracy' that has swept through the Arab world. The problem with that, and this has played out before, that this wave has been largely uncoordinated. Differing factions, views and interests have driven these in so many directions that when the current governmental structure is taken down a void is left behind. This is when the coordinated sweep in and seize power. This is history repeating itself. In the Arab world the people have relied on the structure of which ever current administration was in power. While the extremist factions created and maintained their own structure. This allows them to be a step ahead of the populace and steer the direction of future. Again, this administration's foreign policy, or lack thereof, allows the extremist factions to slip in and fill the void.
We need a government that will do the job that they are charged with. Is our government perfect? No. Will if ever be all things to all people? No. Is it our government to direct? It's increasingly looking like we have no voice. If our commander in chief can't be bothered to make his daily meetings then he needs to move on and let someone in that will.
As a side note and to support a previous post, a friend that reads this post and I had a discussion about money spend campaigning and how ridiculous the numbers were. I can one up that. We are spending $4 billion into deficit every day. Currently the U.S. population stands at 314,250,000 people. That's a little over $12 per person per day being spent into deficit. Why are children starving in our own country when we are spending $12 dollars per person per day into deficit??? This is unbelievable. How can anyone defend this? How can you look yourself in the mirror and say your vote is best utilized on this nightmare in the White House? How can the very people that support Obama preach inclusion and charity?
All points to ponder. Comments welcome and expected. If you got something to say then say it. We can't fix a problem if we don't know it exists.
That's my two cent's, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.