This blog isn't followed by many in comparison to other blogs, but the readers that do check in daily prompt me to update often! If these ramblings enlighten, entertain or even embroil then that's the intended effect. To use our minds for something other then a storage device for reality TV. We have DVR now for that!
Hunting season is back and in full swing. Hunting has always been a part of my family even though some years kind of slip by because of other obligations. The chance to get out and enjoy nature + spending time with friends and family (solve for) possibly even bag a critter is the equation for a great memory. Last season my brother was chosen for the Moose lottery and he let me bag it. I had the best hunt of my life so far! It was a great hunt with great folks. A cousin of mine was there with his group hunting and sadly he passed away this year. I was fortunate to spend some time with him. He was epitome of the great Maine Outdoorsman. His presence during that hunt made me appreciate that chance all the more. Rest In Peace

times in life we take things for granted. A sunrise, a sunset, the dew
that settles on the lawn in the morning, the smell of the pines on a
cool day and currently, the leaves changing color. Our fast paced life
of work, family and scheduled entertainment has taken us away from the
spontaneity of life. To 'stop and smell the roses' has been relegated to
a squirt from rose room spray and our view of the world is checking in
on Facebook. Don't get me wrong, Facebook is a many times per day check
in for me too. I work mostly nights and make it a point to look at the
sunset every night before work. I'm blessed to have a beautiful view
from my deck. It's something my Mom left for me, her appreciation for Nature's beauty.

Take the time to appreciate life. Even the bad stuff. It's all life's experiences. Even when it's bad, your one up on some people. You still have the ability to feel. To learn from mistakes, pain or joy. When your extremely happy, you get a butterfly filled stomach and tears in your eyes..same for extreme fear or extreme sadness. Use those times in your life to learn and continue. Pass that on to others. There's only one person that will truly make you happy, only one that will make you sad...Yourself. Everything that prompts you to feel that way is outside influence on your own life experience. Only you have the power to determine whether you are in the sunrise of your life or the sunset. LIVE LIFE!
That's my two cent's, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.