Saturday, September 29, 2012

The economy that Obama graded incomplete.

This drum is getting beat up a bit, but it is of utmost importance to us and future generations. Our future generations will be getting the bill for our here and now. Is is so wrong to believe that it isn't our money to be spending? Is it equally wrong to believe in a man that grades himself "incomplete" on the largest economy in the world?  Anyone that votes Obama in for another four years will forever be known as the people that sold out future generations.

Our government is OVER spending to the tune of $12 per person per day. Every month our government is pissing away $372 per person. That's $4380 a year... Per person. Not tax payer...per person. Per every man, woman and child currently counted in the census as citizens. Close to 315 Million Americans. North of $4 Billion per day. This doesn't take into account the interest on that debt into the future. If we were to run a business like this we would be thrown in PRISON.

How can we as a nation refuse to shoulder this debt now and expect our future generations to pick up the tab? Liberal arrogance. Spend like crazy for what? A better tomorrow?  These markers will be called in and our children and children's children are the ones who will suffer for our current refusal to address the debt. These are our bills that we need to address. We as a nation cannot stand for this generational theft. Our future citizens will have enough on their collective plates to have to deal with past issues. How can we have a better tomorrow when we can't pay our debt now? What this generation is doing to future generations is reprehensible.

We need a balanced budget. We need a flat tax. We need sensible regulation. We need...NEW LEADERSHIP. People that have followed this blog probably see me as a Republican. I like to think of myself as a Libertarian, however this year I'll vote for Mitt Romney. Not because he's a Republican, but because he's less likely to trample on my liberties. Obama has shown his hand. Socialism, Marxist, Communist call it what you will. He has again and again touted redistribution of wealth. He's not taking from the rich to give to the poor. He's robbing from the future to pay off his friends in the now. He's a sham. All smoke and mirrors. People that vote Democrat have been snowed. If your really that moronic to not be able to see through his crap, then I feel sorry for you. You deserve all you get. The only problem with your way of thinking is that our FUTURE has to deal with your poor decision making skills.

On a lighter note, Just saw Atlas Shrugged. Good flick. Highly recommended by yours truly. Ayn Rand had a very poignant grasp on socialism. She lived it in Russia as a child and young adult. If any of my readers have Netflix or can get access to a copy, then watch it.