Listening to all the talking heads stepping forward to try and defray the damage of these scandals by stating or implying that the President knew nothing has me thinking. What if they are telling the truth? What if he (Obama) really knew nothing of the problems throughout the system because his people kept it from him? Let's play what if (or connect the dots, whichever you prefer).
All the scandals that have come to light were all begun before the election. One by one they are atrocious misguided abuses of power, but together...when you place all these together, they appear on their face to be carefully planned election planning. That's right I said it. Maybe Obama didn't know what was going on, but the people that wanted to keep power by keeping him in office did. All of the issues that we are currently seeing happened prior to the election. I believe this was a directed assault on groups that opposed Obama's reelection bid. How so you may ask? The IRS targeting 'Patriotic' groups may not have looked bad, but it definitely hampered coordination of opposition during the election cycle. The AP phone record scandal on it's face isn't bad, but behind the scenes they were seeing who a FOX reporter was talking to right down to his parent's phone calls. Can you see a coordination effort on their part yet? How about Benghazi, Obama went to sleep while people were being killed...someone had to have told him "There's nothing to see here, goodnight Mr. President", thus 'insulating' him from the issue. Plausible Deniability. That's obviously what they were aiming for, but I think they misapplied that directive and underestimated the scope.
One by one they are an affront to the People Of The United States, together it is a pattern of deception. All committed on Barack Obama's watch. Plausible Deniability does not apply to a pattern of deceit. He is supposed to be smart enough to lead us and choose people loyal to his lead, not loyal to another that seeks to keep him from being hurt politically. This is a clear example of dereliction of duty. He has allowed the people close to him to run the aspects of the government and they failed. Take some personal responsibility for your charges Mr. President! These are the men and woman you entrusted with the full power of the Presidency, therefore you are just as much at fault as if it was yourself. If this pattern of deceit was specifically used to affect the election it trumps Nixon's follies and we all know what happened to Nixon.
My biggest regret for our nation is that these crooks cost our future citizens $7 Trillion and counting. I wonder if Obama would use that line? "I am not a crook!" Nov. 18, 1973 Richard Nixon to Washington Post editors. Maybe so Mr. President, maybe your not a crook, but the people you've chosen to surround you and do your business are crooks. That makes you a crook by association. Somehow you conveyed to those people that their actions were warranted and directed by YOU, MR. PRESIDENT. You are as guilty as those that acted in your behalf, on your behalf. The truth will eventually come to light. Your Presidency is a failure and will go down in history as a pock mark on our great country.
That's my two cents, spend 'em or put 'em in the dish for the next person.